Monday, December 25, 2017

Day 4 Water Fast

Today is day 4 of our water fast, yesterday we laid in bed watching Christmas movies and sipping water throughout. I feel my liver is detoxing since my stomach is being filled with acids and is being dumped by the liver into my stomach as it works through acidosis while it heals.
Feeling tired today but that’s to be expected as the body heals. I have lost 8 pounds so far, but it's all from fat. My weight began at 124.4, it's now 116.4. Body fat percentage started at 14.7 it's now 11.5.  My muscle mass started at 43.8 it's now 45.2. My blood pressure and pulse is still erratic but with more better rates than bad.
Once I get off my fast, maybe tomorrow and call it a 5 day fast depending on how I feel,  the initial goal was 7, I will start Hawthorne Berry which helps lower Blood Pressure. But now I barely have the energy to get out of bed. I grin and bear it because I know the great benefits of fasting. 
Yesterday we got the news that Lynna’s kids had a car accident, her 4 boys were all on the way to pick up their sister and someone ran a stop sign and hit them on the side. The van was totaled but no one got hurt thankfully. I have to admit when we got the email it worried me but at the same time, I felt anger because the only time they contact us is to give us bad news and don’t care to share the good times. I have seen the indifference and the lack of acceptance of who we are as a couple, and for Lynna as the other parent. It’s something I have to work on to help heal my blood pressure which went up as soon as I heard the news.
Anyways hope everyone enjoys their holidays and monitor their health, after all, you are given one body to live and love.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Day 3 Water Fast:Fat Breakdown

One of the great benefits of fasting. Is the deep cleanse your body goes through. It cleanses your fat cells which is where your toxin is stored. A total reset of your system is accomplished, fasting is the greatest healer of all.

After the 3 day your digestive system stops working it goes into a rest mode while your body goes into repair mode. The hunger pangs diminish, and you are now ready to fight off any malware in your body.  Old injuries, tumors or any tissue in your body that does not belong will be dealt with. What an amazing machinery we have, it knows what to do, just let it do its work by resting and fasting.

I love to fast because I give myself permission to lay in bed, read and just relax. You don't realize how wonderful this is. Its the most amazing experience, a mind and body connection indeed.

Now don't get me wrong there are a few unpleasant things about fasting, dealing with hunger pangs the first few days, along with fatigue and a feeling of malmalaise is not fun, but once you get over the hump you will find great joy on why you did the fast in the first place. Healing is a wonderful feeling, looking  younger and fitter is another awesome benefit of fasting. There is no better healing tool on earth.

Today is day 3, yesterday was rough but napped through out and watched lots of documentaries. We are going to do an enema today to assist with the cleanse. Your intestines harbor lots of toxins which go into your blood stream, so an enema is essential while fasting. It will reduce the malaise and headaches.

Stats are pretty much the same the initial weight loss is water weight, from now on the body starts to dip into fat and your muscles glucose source for energy.

I find fasting after all these years to be a wonderful reset tool, one I plan on using for the test of my life.

Till next time happy fasting

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Day 2

Fasting has been around since the beginning of time, we were not always capable of finding food and eating was not at all looked upon as we do today.

I have done many fasts since 2011 when I learned how great it was for your health. My first fast was the master cleanse, I remember how sick I felt from my rotator cuff surgery and wanted to detox my body from the anestesia and relieve the pain I felt with ourt taking pain pills. The fast made me feel great, and my life would forever be changed. Immeditely after the fast I became a raw vegan and health was mine for the taking. I had stopped taking hormones and felt wonderful. 

Fast forward and from the master cleanse,  I have now done over 10 water fasts, each one having great health benefits as well as being on a plant based diet, and exercise regimen. I no longer take synthetic hormones and have adopted urine therapy. I stopped UT when I started on DHEA supplementation, which increases my Blood Pressure and Pulse. Also the winters months are very drying and the use of a heater creates lots of dehydration and problems for a person that is used to humidity. So hence the need for this fast as well as to detox old feeling and negativity that we have encountered this year. So here we are on day 2 and feeling hopeful that 2018 will be a great year.

My blood pressure and pulse are already improving and back to normal. I love natural healing, its the healing that we as humans are meant to pursue and use. Synthetics are not recognised by our bodies hence all the side effects seen when we use pharmaceuticals.

So how do I feel today, day 2. Well not as hungry as expected, we do Interment fasting daily which means we only eat between a 12 hour period and fast the other 12. Lots of great research on this topic and how it helps improve your health and keeps you young by increasing your natural growth hormone production. We train on an empty stomach instead of having our bodies fight with digestion while you train.

My weight today is 120.8 from 124.5, body fat dropped to 13.3% from 14.7%, body temperature went up 97.6 from 97.2. Clearly fasting is improving my health and stats.

My bp was 116/76, heart rate 75, a massive improvement in just 2 days. I saw my bp readings be as high as 168/110 and pulse 107. In addition to the fast, I have been using lavender oil in our humidifier and we are relaxing and laying around in bed. I highly recommend anyone who is having a health crisis to look into fasting and to check your humidity levels in your home.

Till next time

Winter Solstice Fast

Last night I made an amazing vegan meal before we started our winter solstice fast this morning. We went and bought a humidifier to increase the humidity in our apartment to improve our health since the humidity level was 10% or less which causes health issues.

Well it was too loud and we had to return it, it was a Sunbeam product, we bought Safety First for babies instead which is nice and quiet and seems to be working well.

Feeling less anxious today, felt the humidifier helped get a better nights rest and woke up less dry. We are looking forward to this fast, feel it is going to accomplish many things, along with a great start for the New Year.

We weighed ourselves and took our body temperature to get a baseline. I weigh 124.4, fat 14% 97.4 temp, Lynna weighs 154.4. 24% 97.2 temp. 

We plan on 7 days but may go longer to help resolve all the issues we are facing, issues that have plagued us for a very long time. We spoke about many of these things on a You Tube video I plan to attach to my blog once it down loads.

The new sun is here and this time of year is about renewing and rebuilding, but before you rebuilt you must detox and we are beginning today.

Till Next Time



Ever since I have been sharing my health concerns on my blog I have been receiving emails from other trans men sharing their health issues due to the use of cross sex hormones. As you know I lost a friend a few weeks ago who died of a massive heart attack, and another friend was in a comma and sustain brain damage all due to the use of T.

Synthetic hormones are Neuro toxins and will mess with your system and can kill you. Once I stopped in July i was doing great till I started taking DHEA which triggered a response in my adrenal glands that created a flood of estradiol from the T receptors I created from 15 years of being on T.

I am going to clean house starting tomorrow going on a water fast for 7 days. I will incorporate urine therapy after the 3rd day and resting, making sure I get rid of all the toxins as well as doing enemas to remove it all.

My blood pressure has been pretty high around 136/88 and pulse in the 90s. Normally I am around 120/72 and 78 pulse.

I will be reporting my progress and aim to nip this whole thing in the butt. I don't trust doctors and refuse to take meds.

Till next time

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Health Is Wealth

There are very few important things in life and health is definitely one of them. Many people take for granted the normal beat of their heart, peace of mind and being in balance.

When your blood pressure and heartbeat are out of whack it is definitely alarming. I have experienced this a few times in my life and every time it has been because of stress. Stress has triggered the chain of events in my body that throws everything off.

I remember when I lived in England, the stress of my living situation at the age of 24, being all alone in a strange country after my then husband kicked me out of his house cause I would not put out lead to a series of heart palpitations and increased heart rate. My hormones have always been in the way and have caused problems with my ability to deal with stress.

In the past 3 years there has been lots of challenges and way too many changes that I guess I thought I could handle but it is all catching up with me now. My grandfather died at the age of 54 of a massive carotid implosion which leads to a heart attack, all induced by stress.

I am hoping my body settles down and heals as it always has in the past, this too shall pass. I am hoping that the dust settles finally and that the people and situations finally cease to be a problem and that we can finally lead a peaceful life. I am tired of the ups and the downs, the roller coaster ride has been too much to handle.

I want to live healthily and in peace for my remaining years. I don't like drama and frankly I left my dysfunctional family to get away from it all.

I am planning on a fast on New Years and cleansing away all of the toxins that are polluting my body and life. I want to grow old in a healthy and positive manner, no room for negativity or turmoil. Let 2018 be the year of peace.

Till next time

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Years On Hormones

I am 53 years of age, I began messing with ergogenics in my late 30s. I wanted to transform my body and became a bodybuilder. Thinking back I wanted the perfect physique one that would resemble strength and masculine power.

I began my transition at 38 and was on testosterone until July of this year. I had taken breaks a few times allowing my body a much-needed break, synthetics can take a toll on your body and health. Hormones control it all, too little or too much production of your assigned hormone can reek havoc on your system. Add synthetics and you are messing with a refined system meant to run optimally.

My mother took DES in Cuba which messed with my system. I overly produced Estrogen which produced excess androgens in my body and created an imbalance in my hormonal makeup. Many women in the Islands were experimented on and prescribed this pestocide like substances and told it would help them conceive. There are many endocrine disrupting chemicals in our environment that destroy our endocrine system and make us vulnerable to hormonal imbalances which lead to ill health. Fast forward and looking back, I have dealt with many health issues ranging from asthma, allergies, chronic joint pains, reproductive disorders, and emotional issues just to name a few.  I have been a hormonal nightmare, to say the least. Now I find my system to be very sensitive even with herbal pills that are even a slight bit estrogenic. I have been experiencing tachycardia as I mentioned on yesterdays blog, and it is something I dealt with all of my life but had stopped when I stopped taking T.

I suffered from anxiety and all sorts of wicked PMS like symptoms throughout until I had a hysterectomy. My body does not like estrogen, it is highly allergic to it.

Yesterday our herbs arrived. Lynna got her saw palmetto, and red clover and I got my Suma Root. I took one pill and will see how that works out for me. My pulse and blood pressure has been erratic as of late, lets hope it settles down. We have increased our water consumption and are hoping to get to one gallon a day, doing 100 oz as of now.

Health is the most important factor in our lives and being balanced in our soul of souls. We have love and each other and hope to grow old healthy.

Till Next Time

Monday, December 18, 2017

Estrogen Blues

I remember having had problems from a very young age due to the excess amount of estrogen my body produced. My periods were erratic and painful, my moods and anxiety too much for a young body to handle. I hated everything about what this hormone stood for. It made me sick with many ailments from asthma, to hives, not to mention crippling heart palpitations and bone pain. I was a mess.

The latest supplementation I have been on DHEA and fenugreek have not agreed with me, I find to have had massive anxiety and with lots of heart flutters and an increased pulse and blood pressure. I have had to stop urine therapy since it is not recommended when taking any supplementation that alters your hormones. I find that these supplements increase my adrenal production of estradiol which my body does not like. I am going to stop and wait till my Suma root arrives and see how that goes.
Anxiety is no fun especially when it makes you sick and makes your heart feel like it will bust out of your chest. I believe the fenugreek is the culprit, once my body settles I may go back on DHEA but only take it 2 to 3 times a week. We are one giant chemistry set, and learning what works for us is important.

On another note it snowed here in Silver City and its been very cold not a great thing for an Islander, I like the change in season but prefer the warmth. Thankfully we have a great heating system and it’s all-inclusive in our rent.
On a happier note, Lynna and I had an amazing weekend went shopping for some kitchen toys to grind our own coffee beans and flaxseeds and purchased a French press coffee maker to make some awesome organic coffee.
We ordered a water purification system and continue on our health quest. Years of polluting our bodies with toxins both mental and physical require lots of purifying.
I know I will find the right mix for our bodies to lead a healthy life and to grow old gracefully.

Till Next time

Anxiety The Root Cause

Many of us in the LGBT spectrum suffer from anxiety. Has anyone ever really asked why? The sense of restlessness, heart pounding, and feelings of uneasiness is an all to common feeling that has plagued me all my life. Usually, I can control it and has become a none issue, especially ever since I had my hysterectomy and no longer had hormonal imbalances.
These past few days I have experienced a lot of anxiety triggered by my PTSD from the past 3 years. Sometimes I return to lower levels of thinking, due to losing sight of all that I have learned and my evolution process.
Anxiety brings on chest pains, inability to function, and paralysis me to no end. If it weren’t for my regimen that at times may seem to regiment to others, without it I would be in trouble and lost.
Eating right, working out, and having a set schedule is important for my mental health. Chaos plays chaos on the nervous system that is set for order.
Humans are being pressed for dysfunction with this modern stressed out technological life that creates a slew of issues for us. We are not meant to live in constant stress, therefore anxiety is a byproduct of our lifestyle and choices.
If I allow my environment to dictate my life, and if I don’t find a sense of balance or the ability to soothe myself then an anxiety attack will kick in.  I find that dancing, working out, eating a plant based diet, peace in my surroundings helps keep me in check.
I grew up in a hostile environment and have learned to stay away from them, hence why I turn within and shut people and situations out. We all have to find what works for us and be constant.
Anxiety kills and we all need to find a way to calm the beast within. Learning what triggers you, finding effective ways to cope and integrate. Hormonal imbalances create anxiety, use food and herbs to balance them not drugs or alcohol.

Till next time

The Hurt Armor

So many of us with gender dysphoria are good at eliciting validation, we are quick to hurt others as we hurt. There is a list of complications and behavioral issues that come with the territory. Many prefer to sweep things under the rug and internalize and attempt to ignore. These issues will return and bite us all in the ass.
How to deal with the elephant in the room? First of all, we need to understand our feelings, own them feel them, then let them go. Holding on to negative emotions will only hurt your progress of gender development. Many fail to accept that people who are born one sex cannot be another and technically as society sees it they can’t. However seeing that we are all born with the ability to be one gender or another, I would have to say we can. The battle between different groups and their political ploy will continue until everyone learns to respect each other’s views and try to understand the reasons behind our plight and needs.
I wanted to add that Testicles are made of the same tissue as ovaries, men can grow breast, and a clitoris is an underdeveloped penis. There are definitely lots of loopholes in these matters and lots of research to be done, then there is the spiritual realm of it all which can explain a lot of our feelings and behaviors, but thats another article all together.
I know I have gone back and forth with this and it is all due to my own internal battles, wanting to please others and continuing the same self-loathing paradigm I  have followed since childhood.
There are people who are not really dealing with GD, although it may mimic and present as such, the sad reality is that their woes have nothing to do with gender but other issues that need resolve.
I don’t want to focus on others I have done this for way too long in attempts to ignore my own baggage. I want to speak about my experience and if others see a resemblance and feel my words may help them, then great, my blog is now becoming a self-reflection and my journal.
Today is Friday, dam the days fly by, it seems as we age as time goes faster, where does it go? I am excited about the new regimen we are on, the supplementation regimen we are about to embark on. Natural herbs have been around way before big pharma and our species has survived. The way things look now, with all the synthetic heart attack causing and cancer creating substances, our survival is in question.
So first let me talk about Suma Root, this wonder root has some big claims to make and I am willing to give it a try.
I am going to be diving in deeper in future posts, but here are some pictures so I can journal how I look like, I am now 5 days on Dhea and fenugreek herb.
Lynna my wife will be journaling her progress but all I can say that 5 days on her regimen and wow.
This can be done naturally and in a health-conscious manner.

notice the hair growth on my once bald spot

5 days using a breast pump and fenugreek 

I wanted to add that dealing with one’s emotions and processing it in an honest manner will get you further ahead in your journey, using natural means will get you there in the right frame of mind.

Till Next Time