Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Years On Hormones

I am 53 years of age, I began messing with ergogenics in my late 30s. I wanted to transform my body and became a bodybuilder. Thinking back I wanted the perfect physique one that would resemble strength and masculine power.

I began my transition at 38 and was on testosterone until July of this year. I had taken breaks a few times allowing my body a much-needed break, synthetics can take a toll on your body and health. Hormones control it all, too little or too much production of your assigned hormone can reek havoc on your system. Add synthetics and you are messing with a refined system meant to run optimally.

My mother took DES in Cuba which messed with my system. I overly produced Estrogen which produced excess androgens in my body and created an imbalance in my hormonal makeup. Many women in the Islands were experimented on and prescribed this pestocide like substances and told it would help them conceive. There are many endocrine disrupting chemicals in our environment that destroy our endocrine system and make us vulnerable to hormonal imbalances which lead to ill health. Fast forward and looking back, I have dealt with many health issues ranging from asthma, allergies, chronic joint pains, reproductive disorders, and emotional issues just to name a few.  I have been a hormonal nightmare, to say the least. Now I find my system to be very sensitive even with herbal pills that are even a slight bit estrogenic. I have been experiencing tachycardia as I mentioned on yesterdays blog, and it is something I dealt with all of my life but had stopped when I stopped taking T.

I suffered from anxiety and all sorts of wicked PMS like symptoms throughout until I had a hysterectomy. My body does not like estrogen, it is highly allergic to it.

Yesterday our herbs arrived. Lynna got her saw palmetto, and red clover and I got my Suma Root. I took one pill and will see how that works out for me. My pulse and blood pressure has been erratic as of late, lets hope it settles down. We have increased our water consumption and are hoping to get to one gallon a day, doing 100 oz as of now.

Health is the most important factor in our lives and being balanced in our soul of souls. We have love and each other and hope to grow old healthy.

Till Next Time

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