Sunday, December 24, 2017

Day 3 Water Fast:Fat Breakdown

One of the great benefits of fasting. Is the deep cleanse your body goes through. It cleanses your fat cells which is where your toxin is stored. A total reset of your system is accomplished, fasting is the greatest healer of all.

After the 3 day your digestive system stops working it goes into a rest mode while your body goes into repair mode. The hunger pangs diminish, and you are now ready to fight off any malware in your body.  Old injuries, tumors or any tissue in your body that does not belong will be dealt with. What an amazing machinery we have, it knows what to do, just let it do its work by resting and fasting.

I love to fast because I give myself permission to lay in bed, read and just relax. You don't realize how wonderful this is. Its the most amazing experience, a mind and body connection indeed.

Now don't get me wrong there are a few unpleasant things about fasting, dealing with hunger pangs the first few days, along with fatigue and a feeling of malmalaise is not fun, but once you get over the hump you will find great joy on why you did the fast in the first place. Healing is a wonderful feeling, looking  younger and fitter is another awesome benefit of fasting. There is no better healing tool on earth.

Today is day 3, yesterday was rough but napped through out and watched lots of documentaries. We are going to do an enema today to assist with the cleanse. Your intestines harbor lots of toxins which go into your blood stream, so an enema is essential while fasting. It will reduce the malaise and headaches.

Stats are pretty much the same the initial weight loss is water weight, from now on the body starts to dip into fat and your muscles glucose source for energy.

I find fasting after all these years to be a wonderful reset tool, one I plan on using for the test of my life.

Till next time happy fasting

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