Sunday, May 06, 2018

Updates Via Videos And Post


Give Credit Where Credit Is Due

I have always been an honest person. Those that have followed me since I became a public figure in 2006 know me well. In fact, my presentation was always candid and my passion to educate society regarding trans issues came from my heart. It wasn’t till I got involved with trans women that, well, my life took a turn for the worse. Why is that?
I began reflecting and soul searching. This is the best way in my opinion to find the crux of the matter. I had been with bio women since I began relationships at a very young age, in fact, my very first physical encounter was with our maid at the age of 13, in El Paso Texas.
Women are wonderful creatures, we, and I will include myself in this because lets face it I was born with a vagina and I am not delusional enough to think that I am a man. Yes I love my masculine expression, and as I told my mother last night, ” lets get real here, I could never physically return to being Maritza”, that ship has sailed and I now am faced with living out the rest of my life as a hybrid man. I regress, every physical encounter has been with Gods greatest creation, Women. Women are stable, responsible and very caring. Now I know, not every single female fits this description, nature does make mistakes but for the most part they are. So when I started dating TransWomen, life took a very bad turn.
Now let me add a disclaimer before the witches of trans land get restless, I have great trans women friends, and I love them. Some trans women are and can be stable. Kristeen Beck is a wonderful example of one, but most are men who did not succeed in manhood and for all the wrong reasons decided they would take a crack at being a “girl”. You know the type, they transition late in life have made a family, they spend hours in front of the mirror, trying to create the perfect female, buying clothing, wigs, shoes and all the accessories in hopes to find what they are looking for in that said mirror. They fall in love with their image and everyone else in their life becomes an acccesory to play along with their fantasies. These individuals showed no inkling of being female throughout their lives and trust me femininity is not something you can hide as a child, and in addition it becomes a shock to their love ones when they transition, they are a totally different version of what a transsexual is.
These individual can try to fake their transness, but are obviously in battle with their lives because their man persona just does not want to back down. They are never happy, going from relationships to relationships because their needs are not being met. They are not being told what they want to hear and their perfect life scenario continues to lack.
So, yes, where was I? Oh yes bad trans relationships. I am scared for life since being in relationships with trans females, and frankly, I have never had to deal with these sorta things I dealt with trans relationships with real women. For starters the controlling factor is evident, yet, they claim I’m the controlling one? But I specifically remember the encounter with the Argentinian trans person who lived with their mother, and may I add, was very head strong and was rather voicestrous and demanding. Always debating and wanting to prove their point.
All had strong characters but were absent of that knowledge, they saw a submissive version of who they really are. Now I know women are not all submissive, but why portray yourself as such? Argentinian trans “girl”, saw themself as a Gisha, boy was I sold the wrong bag of goods. Yes, we trans men crave power authority, heck we were raised to be submissive and to cater to men, so most of us like the idea of being in charge, so when I was told I found a Gisha I jumped at the opportunity.
So, I regress yet again, frankly in my opinion it’s all about the image in the mirror, that’s it folks, nothing less nothing more. They have a great relationship with mirrors but when it comes to real life, they fail. They are nothing without their garments, their much needed accesories to orchestrate the life they wish they had.
Every genetic girl I dated or had relationships with were not defined by their clothing or looks. They were woman no matter what. So what I’m saying is if shopping, mirrors and trying to create yourself is what defines you then no you are not who you say you are.
I have learned that having a relationship with trans women will always lead to failure they are not at all like the women I dated and lived in the past, that’s just facts. I had something to compare to, people can get enraged all they want but I will always speak the truth.
As I know I’m not a real man, I do not act as one, I may look the part, androgen is a powerful substance, yet, I cannot erase 38 years of my upbringing and living just because I wish to have the world see me as a “man”. I believe the sooner we trans folks get real with ourselves the easier our lives will become. Do you, be happy but stop trying to force things on people. You are not fooling anyone.
Till next time…

Monday, January 01, 2018

2018 The Year Of Health

Every year we all promise to be and do better. We make resolutions we can't and do not keep. Health seems to be last on our list.

Lynna and I are very health conscious and for a good reason. She fell off a mountain pass while driving to come see me December 2014 and was nearly paralyzed fracturing her neck in 3 places C1, C2 and C4, as well as T7.  The doctors gave her 25% recovery chance if she had surgery to fuse her broken bones and repair torn ligaments and a lacerated spinal chord. Well we said no to surgery and we opted to go with the natural approach and here we are 3 years later. Lynna and I met in the ICU ward January 1st 2015 and have been inseparable ever since, having texted and spoken on the phone 2 weeks prior was the only history we had since we were introduced by an online friend and we hit it off right away.

My quest for health began after a rotator cuff surgery I had that left me very sick and the years on hormones that made my body feel very toxic. I opted to stop T back then, I have stopped many times due to health scares, and became a raw vegan after my very first fast in 2010. I was a bodybuilder for years but I must honestly say that except for the discipline involved in the sport, healthy it is not. The amount of protein ingested, the drugs taken to help achieve the perfect physique makes bodybuilding a very unhealthy sport and lifestyle. So when I went on my health quest of raw veganism for over a year I had lots of detoxing to do.

We are now doing a Candidas cleanse beginning tomorrow as soon as our cleanse arrives which is Tuesday, Candida Complex is a 2 months program to help your body normalize your gut flora along with doing a sugar free diet. Both Lynna and I have dealt with candida over growth and let me tell you it wreaks havoc on your system. 

2018 is going to be the year of true health and happiness. We wish you all a great year and hope we can all free ourselves from the things that keep us down and out.

Till next time..

Time Off The Gym

After the fast one's energy levels is not great, the body continues to feel achy and fatigued. There is a continual detox that takes place which wrecks a bit of havoc on your body.

I want my body to fully recoup from the fast, so the next few days will be focused on refeeding and regenerating all the lost vitamins and minerals, and let it resolve its final detox.

Today we are picking up a few vitamins such as B 12 and biotin. We ordered online a formula to help get rid of Candida. Both Lynna and I have had a struggle with this nasty fungus that can create lots of issues when set in motion. Candida is a fungus that lives in your intestines, we all have it, the body requires it, but you need the good bacteria to be at a higher ratios than the bad. Candida is fed by sugars and certain foods that can lead to a Candida over load. When you fast, you kill oofff lots of them and you get what they call a candida die off which can show as a rash, itchy skin, aches and pains and so on.

Many of the signs and symptoms of a candida overload is skin problems, fatigue, stomach problems such as bloating and gas, just to name a few. We will be doing shows on these topics when we start up again in January.

We will start back up at the gym next Tuesday and slowly get back where we left of. 

We plan to use coconut oil with lavender for our skin and hair and go on a candida diet along with the candida cleanse. We of coarse will report our changes. Our new focus for the New Year and in our show is to work on our health and wellbeing all natural of coarse.

Pictures from our journey

Till next 

Breaking The Fast

Well, we decided to make today our last day of water fasting. I have gone from 124.5 pounds to 114.4 that's a total of 10 pounds. My body fat went from 14.7% to 10.7% with not only preserving muscle but making gains while I laid in bed. Muscles are made in rest mode, you break them down at the gym which I had been doing vigorously for the past few months prior to this fast. I went from 43.8 to 45.5  of muscles gains which means my weight loss all came from fat and water, my body did what it was suppose to do.  My basal body temperature went from 97.2 to 97.8 which means that my metabolism improved as a water fast is meant to do. All in all a great turn out.
  • My initial concern for starting this fast was to decrease my blood pressure which it did for the most part, my reading after hydration was 112/73 and pulse was 61. I notice if I am dehydrated or upset it goes up. I saw numbers as high as 168/110 and pulse 110. I will start hothorne berry on a few days, this herb helps keep my blood pressure and pulse normalised even when I was on T.
The reason for stopping the fast is that I feel if I went longer I would lose more weight that I would want to. I now want to put on lean muscle weight and since my fat percentage is low this is a great start to accomplish my goals. I would like to weigh 135 pounds of pure muscles and I would accomplish this with a pure vegan diet.
So today's plan is to muster the strength and go to our co op and buy fruits and lettuce, as well as kumbucha to place probiotics in our gut. We will break the fast with diluted fruit and veggie juice store bought all organic of coarse. Adding the probiotics to create a healthy microbial environment in our clean gut. We will do one more enema before we break the fast waiting one hour before we introduce the liquids into our system. An hour later we will add a few pieces of watery fruit to wake up our digestive system and feed ourselves with fruit every hour, then adding the greens watered down and breaking it down by massaging the leafs.
We will eat only fruits and greens for the next 2 days then add rice and possibly a veggie soup, no heavy nuts till day 3 of breaking the fast. I am ready to rebuild but you can't rebuild till you break down first and we have accomplished what we set out to do.
Till next timeAhhh, what a relief to not wake up starving or to not be able to sleep right while water fasting. Although I love to fast, knowing that I am doing right by my body and giving it a much needed rest, there is no doubt that as good as it feels when one starts the better one feels when it ends.
There are healing crisis one goes through while fasting. I had lots of stomach acid being dumped by my liver while it healed various parts of my body and plenty of old injury aches as it proceeded to heal those. Lynna had a candida rash on her chest which happens when you go into ketosis and the body takes the opportunity to get rid of toxins through its skin. Fasting has great benefits for healing and if you could muster many more days you would be able to get rid of all that ails you.

Anyways we broke the fast with kumbucha a probiotic drink that will start healthy cultures in your gut, followed by a mixture of organic vegetable and fruit juice that was heavenly to say the least. This was all intended to create better digestion.

After an hour we had some fruit organic, honey crisp apples and oranges. It was amazing, new tastebuds to say the least food tasted incredible and the body accepted it with ease.

We danced as we usually do ever evening as part of our evening workout, we had missed it so much since we were unable to get out of bed, and the most trivial movement was a chore.

We ate again at dinner, Lynna made such an amazing salad, and I made the dressing as well as a wonderful  homemade vegetable soup. The food turned out amazing and it took us at least an hour to eat. But oh it was so good. 

We had a slice of sprouted whole grain bread it never tasted that good before. One of the benefits of fasting is that it renews your senses, its an incredible feeling. 

Today we are planning on returning to the gym to begin the rebuilding process. Its feels so good to return to the land of the living. I figure you either give your body a rest willingly or it will force you to by getting sick.

Our bodies feel really rested and good, we will definetly be fasting again 6 months from now, we know that it is the fountain of youth and a tool for healing.

We are looking forward to what lies ahead. We are finally free from the chains that held us and the time for us to fly is now.  We plan on a New Years celebration at ou local hangout and to dance the night away bringing in the best New Years ever. In 3 to 6 months from now, I plan to be 135 pounds of pure muscle and to get Lynna in the healthiest and best shape of her life.

Till next time....

Day 5 Final Day

Well, we decided to make today our last day of water fasting. I have gone from 124.5 pounds to 114.4 that's a total of 10 pounds. My body fat went from 14.7% to 10.7% with not only preserving muscle but making gains while I laid in bed. Muscles are made in rest mode, you break them down at the gym which I had been doing vigorously for the past few months prior to this fast. I went from 43.8 to 45.5  of muscles gains which means my weight loss all came from fat and water, my body did what it was suppose to do.  My basal body temperature went from 97.2 to 97.8 which means that my metabolism improved as a water fast is meant to do. All in all a great turn out.

My initial concern for starting this fast was to decrease my blood pressure which it did for the most part, my reading after hydration was 112/73 and pulse was 61. I notice if I am dehydrated or upset it goes up. I saw numbers as high as 168/110 and pulse 110. I will start hothorne berry on a few days, this herb helps keep my blood pressure and pulse normalised even when I was on T.

The reason for stopping the fast is that I feel if I went longer I would lose more weight that I would want to. I now want to put on lean muscle weight and since my fat percentage is low this is a great start to accomplish my goals. I would like to weigh 135 pounds of pure muscles and I would accomplish this with a pure vegan diet.

So today's plan is to muster the strength and go to our co op and buy fruits and lettuce, as well as kumbucha to place probiotics in our gut. We will break the fast with diluted fruit and veggie juice store bought all organic of coarse. Adding the probiotics to create a healthy microbial environment in our clean gut. We will do one more enema before we break the fast waiting one hour before we introduce the liquids into our system. An hour later we will add a few pieces of watery fruit to wake up our digestive system and feed ourselves with fruit every hour, then adding the greens watered down and breaking it down by massaging the leafs.

We will eat only fruits and greens for the next 2 days then add rice and possibly a veggie soup, no heavy nuts till day 3 of breaking the fast. I am ready to rebuild but you can't rebuild till you break down first and we have accomplished what we set out to do.

Till next time