Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Now on CD baby

Hey guys, things are rolling along nicely, I am being interviewed by different publications and I am now on CD baby:
You can purchase the actual CD or download the singles or the entire album there, see link to your right. I will keep you posted on all new development and my appearances. I will be on Channel 39 WSFL the morning show April 15th at around 6:30 am live promoting my show at the Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale Florida. Please write a review on my album and spread the word, the more downloads and fuss the more I will get out there and help open up more hearts and minds and help educate the world on trans and GLBT issues. I am here for you, and I want to help spread the message of love, unconditional love for everyone. The herald is announcing my performance via blog

Please support my work spread the word to your friends and family and let Mark Angelo be a part of your life, Enslaved is a very special album and has a little something for everyone.

I love you guys with all my heart, and always remember to love yourselves too.

Mark Angelo

Thursday, March 25, 2010

DigStation and soon CD Baby and I tunes

Hey guys well, finally I received the CD's and I am up and running on Dig Station, check out the preview page and lyrics on the right side. I will start performing and have several interviews and local TV spots coming up. Channel 39 on April 15th will have me on for a few minutes playing unplugged to promote my show that night. I will keep you posted on my events and where abouts. Keep checking back and don't forget to drop me a line any time. I am always here for you.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Media contact:

Roberto Santiago
Director of Communications and Strategic Marketing
Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale
Nova Southeastern University
Direct Line: 954-262-0243

For Immediate Release


Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale’s April 15, 2010 FREE Third Thursday Event:
Special Musical Performance by folk rock musician Mark Angelo Cummings

The Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale, Nova Southeastern University, continues its FREE Third Thursday monthly event series with a special music performance on Thursday, April 15, 2010, from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm by Fort Lauderdale folk rock vocalist and acoustic guitarist Mark Angelo Cummings.

Cummings, a proud Cuban-American GLBT artist, has been writing and performing music from a very young age. His journey has inspired him to bring forth the message of love and acceptance for all. Mark’s inspiration comes from above; being in tune with the universal energy that connects us all sets his writing apart from the rest. His music is moving and empowering and will touch your heart in ways no other writer has before. His raspy folk rock, no nonsense message style will get you to think outside the box.

Artist Mark Angelo Cummings will perform on Thursday, April 15, 2010 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Copies of his latest CD will be available for sale.

In addition to the evening’s musical entertainment, the Museum offers free admission, extended hours (open until 8 p.m.). Drinks are available for purchase in the Museum’s CafĂ© and Wine Bar.

Visitors can also enjoy, free of charge, the Museum’s permanent collections: The Spectacle of Life: The Art of William Glackens, Glackens as Illustrator, art from Copenhagen, Brussels, and Amsterdam (CoBrA), and The Indigo Room or Is Memory Water Soluble?

Thursday, April 15, 2010: 5:30 pm to 7:30 p.m.
5:30-7:30 p.m.: Musical performance by Mark Angelo Cummings

Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale
One East Las Olas Boulevard at Andrews Avenue


HOW: For more information, call the Museum at 954-262-0236.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Pride fest 2010 Oakland Park Florida I choose Life Preview

What gorgeous weather we had today at Jaco Pastorious Park at Oakland park Florida along with a great bunch that gathered today at Pride Fest 2010. The Color of the rainbow is definitely a great avatar for the GLBT community, for we are the collage of people who are colorful in every way. Here is a video with pictures of the event and a clip of the sound track I choose life, another great song in the soon to be release album Enslaved by Mark Angelo.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

The album cover has been created plus check out a new song I wrote

She works so hard for a living, her fingers bleed right thru the bone, and she has no one except her grieving, the years pass by and shes all alone. No one to care, no cards or letters, the rags and pain is all she knows. Ill take the time to make things better and share her story with this A song.

This ones for you the one without a name, this songs for you I hope you still remain true to yourself, your truth is all you claim this is your song. Dont you despair your life is not in vein, there are many out there whose life youve helped change stay true to yourself and know that soon one day youll be with him.

She wipes her forehead while she whimpers, this life has been so hard and cruel, she understands this is her calling, but only hopes it will end soon. The nights she spends in front of the mirror, the wrinkles grow without relief, the years have flown but she still misses him, when will she heal shell never know.
She blames herself for not enjoying the greatest years she ever knew, he was the best thing in her life time her work possessed her through and through. He became ill and while she traveled, he lost his life to a disease, she now regrets not have enjoyed him, her work consumed her every need.

Love to all of you, every single one of you

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Showing my support to my transgendered family

Very few trans artist if any have actually placed trans related songs in their albums, it seems to be a taboo of sorts. However, I am true to my transgenderism and my trans family. I will never hide who I am, nor forget about my transfamily. Here are clips of two songs one for my MTF sisters and the other for my FTM brothers.

I hope you enjoy the tunes. Album will be out soon.

Much Love

Mark Angelo

Friday, March 05, 2010

Clips and more Previews

I am like a kid awaiting Santa, waiting for my CD to finally be done. I can't express how long it has been since I have been wanting to make this CD, but just never got around to it, and no wonder there is a lot of work involved, lol. But none the less I have made the plunge and my baby will be born soon.

In the mean time here are some more clips of some of the songs that are on the album, I hope you enjoy the messages and my music style.

This song I wrote for my GLBT family and their plight for marriage

This song is my thoughts on the enslavement and guilt ridden belief that God only has one son who he sacrificed for the world. The whole story makes no sense. Jesus was a prophet in my eyes who came to free us from religion, we killed him and created the dogmatic belief we see before us today. I respect every ones belief system, these are my views and as an artist music is my canvas.

Much Love

Mark Angelo

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

some more previews for you

I write from my heart and I have a tremendous love for humanity, my sweet, sweet earthly family. Here is a glimpse of a song which has both Spanish and English lyrics, I put the English portion for you along with a little picture show. Enjoy

Love you

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Inching along

Hey guys after a painful 5 weeks with mixing and mastering, finally I got my master and was able to sent it off to Disc Makers. Hopefully the next stage is smooth and rapid so that I can bring to you Enslaved the Album. I have worked extremely hard on this project and hope it will open doors for me, and hearts and minds for others. I want to transmit information to help others break free from their chains. Unconditional love is the answer, not religion, not politics and definitely not finances. We are like babies in the path of growth and spiritual knowledge, but we are closer than we were before and timnes are changing.

Much Love to you my earthly family and I hope you enjoy the CD when it's done. I always think of you in every step I make and know you guys are the fuel that drives me.