Today is day 4 of our water fast, yesterday we laid in bed watching Christmas movies and sipping water throughout. I feel my liver is detoxing since my stomach is being filled with acids and is being dumped by the liver into my stomach as it works through acidosis while it heals.

Feeling tired today but that’s to be expected as the body heals. I have lost 8 pounds so far, but it's all from fat. My weight began at 124.4, it's now 116.4. Body fat percentage started at 14.7 it's now 11.5. My muscle mass started at 43.8 it's now 45.2. My blood pressure and pulse is still erratic but with more better rates than bad.
Once I get off my fast, maybe tomorrow and call it a 5 day fast depending on how I feel, the initial goal was 7, I will start Hawthorne Berry which helps lower Blood Pressure. But now I barely have the energy to get out of bed. I grin and bear it because I know the great benefits of fasting.
Once I get off my fast, maybe tomorrow and call it a 5 day fast depending on how I feel, the initial goal was 7, I will start Hawthorne Berry which helps lower Blood Pressure. But now I barely have the energy to get out of bed. I grin and bear it because I know the great benefits of fasting.

Yesterday we got the news that Lynna’s kids had a car accident, her 4 boys were all on the way to pick up their sister and someone ran a stop sign and hit them on the side. The van was totaled but no one got hurt thankfully. I have to admit when we got the email it worried me but at the same time, I felt anger because the only time they contact us is to give us bad news and don’t care to share the good times. I have seen the indifference and the lack of acceptance of who we are as a couple, and for Lynna as the other parent. It’s something I have to work on to help heal my blood pressure which went up as soon as I heard the news.

Anyways hope everyone enjoys their holidays and monitor their health, after all, you are given one body to live and love.
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