Saturday, December 23, 2017

Winter Solstice Fast

Last night I made an amazing vegan meal before we started our winter solstice fast this morning. We went and bought a humidifier to increase the humidity in our apartment to improve our health since the humidity level was 10% or less which causes health issues.

Well it was too loud and we had to return it, it was a Sunbeam product, we bought Safety First for babies instead which is nice and quiet and seems to be working well.

Feeling less anxious today, felt the humidifier helped get a better nights rest and woke up less dry. We are looking forward to this fast, feel it is going to accomplish many things, along with a great start for the New Year.

We weighed ourselves and took our body temperature to get a baseline. I weigh 124.4, fat 14% 97.4 temp, Lynna weighs 154.4. 24% 97.2 temp. 

We plan on 7 days but may go longer to help resolve all the issues we are facing, issues that have plagued us for a very long time. We spoke about many of these things on a You Tube video I plan to attach to my blog once it down loads.

The new sun is here and this time of year is about renewing and rebuilding, but before you rebuilt you must detox and we are beginning today.

Till Next Time

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