So many of us with gender dysphoria are good at eliciting validation, we are quick to hurt others as we hurt. There is a list of complications and behavioral issues that come with the territory. Many prefer to sweep things under the rug and internalize and attempt to ignore. These issues will return and bite us all in the ass.
How to deal with the elephant in the room? First of all, we need to understand our feelings, own them feel them, then let them go. Holding on to negative emotions will only hurt your progress of gender development. Many fail to accept that people who are born one sex cannot be another and technically as society sees it they can’t. However seeing that we are all born with the ability to be one gender or another, I would have to say we can. The battle between different groups and their political ploy will continue until everyone learns to respect each other’s views and try to understand the reasons behind our plight and needs.
I wanted to add that Testicles are made of the same tissue as ovaries, men can grow breast, and a clitoris is an underdeveloped penis. There are definitely lots of loopholes in these matters and lots of research to be done, then there is the spiritual realm of it all which can explain a lot of our feelings and behaviors, but thats another article all together.
I know I have gone back and forth with this and it is all due to my own internal battles, wanting to please others and continuing the same self-loathing paradigm I have followed since childhood.
There are people who are not really dealing with GD, although it may mimic and present as such, the sad reality is that their woes have nothing to do with gender but other issues that need resolve.
I don’t want to focus on others I have done this for way too long in attempts to ignore my own baggage. I want to speak about my experience and if others see a resemblance and feel my words may help them, then great, my blog is now becoming a self-reflection and my journal.
Today is Friday, dam the days fly by, it seems as we age as time goes faster, where does it go? I am excited about the new regimen we are on, the supplementation regimen we are about to embark on. Natural herbs have been around way before big pharma and our species has survived. The way things look now, with all the synthetic heart attack causing and cancer creating substances, our survival is in question.
I am going to be diving in deeper in future posts, but here are some pictures so I can journal how I look like, I am now 5 days on Dhea and fenugreek herb.
Lynna my wife will be journaling her progress but all I can say that 5 days on her regimen and wow.
This can be done naturally and in a health-conscious manner.
notice the hair growth on my once bald spot
5 days using a breast pump and fenugreek
I wanted to add that dealing with one’s emotions and processing it in an honest manner will get you further ahead in your journey, using natural means will get you there in the right frame of mind.
Till Next Time