Women Are Born Not Fabricated

Photo by Isabella Mariana on Pexels.com
What I’ve noticed and this is a pattern with most trans women, the boy with ADHD, needing stimulation, constant validation, sensory deprivation that requires lots of changes and excitement, brought on my a controlling mother who overly engages with her son, uses transition as another addiction and stimulant path.
The shopping, most do have an addiction to this by the way, and justify it, in many different ways, is just one of the many factors that demonstrate the need for constant reward stimulus, to deal with what they perceive as a boring life. They are good at manipulating people, using the victim mentality, to gather sympathy and love drama, just listen to Jazzes latest episode on I am Jazz. They can’t see how manipulating and controlling they are, and it’s always someone else’s fault. The use of Estrogen allows them to cry on demand and are really convincing of their story, just look at OJ Simpson he convinced himself he did not murder Nicole, a trait easily shared amongst narcissist.
The constant search for something in their life that is lacking self-worth and self-love, makes them the perfect candidate for this trans disaster. If you pay close attention to the life of most trans people it is always filled with drama and gathering sympathy. It’s always talking about themselves, their lives, and how they are the victims. They can’t do no harm. In their world, the world is at fault.
The difference between a trans woman and a real woman is evident in their behavior and mode of operation. We think differently than men, not because we have a girl’s brain, but because we have been neurologically and physically created by nature to be nurturers and to think outside ourselves. Nature intended for us to have babies, it is not a stereotype, it is biology.

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Let’s look at this closely, you can go to any of these newly fabricated doctors that claim to make a woman’s birthing canal, no Jazz its not just meant for sex, but they will never ever, be able to fully create what nature created on those of us who are born XX. If you listen to the above episode, you will see the difference between a young boy and how a genetically born female acts. Jazz as much as they have been privied to have transitioned at a young age still has lots of male characteristics and behaviors. The radical compulsive personality, lack of responsibility just to name a few are mostly seen in men, it is known that women mature faster than men do, some men never mature at all, and again this is nature, due to the role women are supposed to play. You can fight it all you want, but you can’t full mother nature.

Photo by Vidal Balielo Jr. on Pexels.com
Trans people can say they love themselves all they want, but that is the last thing they are truly demonstrating. If you loved yourself, you would leave yourself alone, and take care of those you promised to take care of in the world. Love is not about altering your body to fit into societies preconceived notion of who you think you should be. Love is accepting who you were born to be, not altering your body or taking dangerous chemicals to create what you want to see in the mirror. The Trans narrative is all based on looks and validation, people that fall for these parasites and their narrative are being manipulated beyond belief. I am being real here, I have lived this, I too was considered one of these parasites, and the reason I use this term is that parasites take, and ride off the host, till they can’t take no more. They use people to get what they want, and they have no mercy doing so.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
The sad thing is I do feel that deep down inside trans people are good-hearted people they hurt for many reasons, but gender is not the real issue here, they refuse to get the real help they need, because the real help is not glamorous and does not stimulate the little bored child that needs constant validation and stimulation.
Gender is basically set up to fit societies expectation and norms, Sex has a biological and reproductive reasoning, peoples likes, dislikes and personalities which are being marketed by this medical community and their suffering being used to push an agenda that is not good for humanity. They are trying to change the world to fit them, and there is no need for this change to come about.
So in conclusion, we must stop enabling these folks and get them to face reality, women are born they are not fabricated, men are born they cannot be made via a testosterone shot or by hitting the gym. You can try to fabricate what resembles a genital but it will never have the real function nature intended for it. This is all bad coping and bad science, and its time to put an end to it.
Till Next Time
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