Why So Much Work?

Photo by Konstantin V on Pexels.com
I am still baffled by the bureaucracy and red tape involved in detransitioning, it should be as simple as having a return button, after all, the reality is we never went anywhere. This whole concept that one can magically alter their gender is ludicrous if I only would have been of sound mind back then, life would not have turned out so complicated and I would not have to deal with all of this matter.
The sheer fact that this whole endeavor is so immoral and out of the norm, still totally baffles me, on how it has literally taken over our morality and self-dignity. Look I understand, really I do, I see that people are desperate for change, they hurt, I get it, I hurt too. But when we start creating our world based on feelings and our own personal prison, then we create disasters that affect those that live here with us.

Photo by Sebastiaan Stam on Pexels.com
So you are a woman who does not fit into the typical woman stereotypes, that’s cool, many don’t, many haven’t throughout history, but no one messed with their genitals and took dangerous drugs in the attempt to change the unchangeable. Oh, and for the record, they did not create a political saga, shamed everyone who did not agree with their notion, and tried to belittle and destroy anyone who disagrees. This whole trans thing has been taken over by a mafia that will stop at nothing until they force everyone in the world to change their mind or gender.
I now have to go to a courthouse to get a name, change go to a doctor and have him or her say that I am biologically a female, so that I can get all my documents changed back to where they originally started. I say this is unnecessary and crazy. I am a woman, and I want my name back.

Photo by Gratisography on Pexels.com
I also wanted to add to whom it may concern and whoever is responsible for this transathon, to please take note, people will change their minds and realize this was a big mistake, so can you please make sure to provide a return ticket. Mark my words the amounts of detransitioners coming to a theatre near you, is going to be out of this world. I hope then, this whole circus comes to a halt and they stop handing out hormones, changing of documents and the lot and just allow people to express their personalities without having to blow up their whole life time table, and history. In my opinion and where I am standing it’s ridiculous.

Photo by icon0.com on Pexels.com
After 16 years of this, 16 years of being around the trans community, and everything to do with it, I have so much to say, so I hope you have some popcorn and time on your hands, cause this Detransitioner wants the world to know, she is coming up.
Make sure to catch my live podcasts Monday through Fridays at 930 am and 530 pm Mountain time for now, till life changes, and the times will also change, but is that no what life is all about, change?
Until next time
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