Transition The New Conversation Therapy

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If we can really be honest here, remove our egos and stop wearing our feelings on our sleeves, we may be able to fully pin the main source and reasoning behind transitioning. Even though being a lesbian and gay is more acceptable this day and age, there is still a stigma behind it. Many people are preferring to transition than to be seen as gay or a lesbian. This is nothing new, we have seen this in the past where the experimentation of effeminate men who were operated on in order to help them navigate society. The persecution of homosexuals have been well documented in history, and to this day, countries will accept the medical transition of a person over the gay lifestyle.

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We are seeing a fad taking place here, another aspect that can be considered amongst the new generation is that being gay is not as cool as being trans, hence the increase in adolescents, especially girls who seem to have “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria” the new buzz word and recent diagnosis. Although many have tried to downplay this, because it would blow the born in the wrong body theory, the reality it is, you can’t hide the fact that it exists. Young women out of nowhere are saying they are a boy when no history behind this claim has ever been noted by their parents. Very similar to the late transitioners who have lead a life as a man or a woman, married with kids, and no one would have even been the wiser. Yet they claim, as if that can be hidden, that they have felt like a woman or a man all along. How can this be? How can we accept this as facts?

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You can’t make this stuff up folks. How can a person have such a claim when there were no signs of distress, no clues to their so call being born in the wrong body, nothing, nada, zero, yet we expect to believe them? I find it more of a shame-driven scenario, for those individuals who wish to be seen as the opposite gender than to be seen as gay or a lesbian, maybe due to their religious upbringing, lack of acceptance, self-hatred, having engaged in cross-dressing for years and no longer which to be shamed for it, etc. There are many reasons, but none of them legit. There is, in my opinion, no objective finding to prove anyone is born wrong.

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I know for me, having been shamed for being different, more masculine than my mother wanted me to be, being sexually molested and having an alcoholic abusive father, led me to the path that I embarked on. I can freely admit, that all of the factors mentioned, lead me to believe I was born in the wrong body. I pushed it, advocated for it, and waived the flag. There is no truth behind any of the claims being made for this new found condition, that is making big pharma and the medical complex lots of money. There is also lots of money behind it. Yet no one has sat down to think for one minute the ramifications of these events, the long term outcome of their health, the health of society and what it is doing to our world.

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Its time to speak up, its time to let the bullies know that we are not going to take this, mothers, fathers, women, who have been shamed and made to be silent by the social justice warriors, by simply questioning this madness, I want you to know, you are not alone, and I will be speaking loud and clear. For those of you, who are incensed by my words and reveal, I say this to you, what do you have to hide? Why are you so afraid of the truth coming out. If you are really certain that what you say is true, then allow it to be questioned, don’t be coward and try to harm or silence those who chose to speak against you.
Till Next Time
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