Believe And Be Set Free

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Listen I know, most people get turned off by religion but hear me out. I am not religious far from it, I am spiritual and follow Christ and the Father. I have been fighting God since the day I was born. I rejected everything and anything that had to do with him, especially when I came out as a lesbian. I was told by my Jehova Witness grandmother that I would go to hell if I lived that life. So I grew to dislike the figure that judged me for who I thought I was and liked.
No one likes to follow rules, that’s just how we are built, well, maybe a few do, but in the end, all of life has laws that we must follow them. If you put your hand on the fire, you will get burn, that’s just the facts of life. If You jump off a cliff without a parachute or some sort of device to break your fall, you will break bones and possibly die. If you go into the lion’s den you will be eaten alive. You get what I am saying here?

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I know that people don’t all believe that there is a creator, somehow, they think that one big giant explosion created everything you see before us today. I don’t get it, usually or should I say always when there is an explosion, disaster and destruction follow. Whoever thought that a big bang would create everything you see around you, beautifully and perfectly made, including you, you did not come out of an explosion but an intelligent design, if you think otherwise you are out of your mind. As humans, we think we know it all, that we are above God and we can do as we please. We create our own theories, even design our own creator as we see fit. We add and take verses from the bible and have managed to create thousands of belief systems, all to justify our behavior and gain power over God.

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Well I got news for you, you can’t out think God, his God, you are not. And although we are made in his image, we only have the abilities that he allows us to have, and only through him can we become whole. He came as a man to feel what we feel, his love for us is so great that he did that for you, he shed his blood for you, so you can be clean and be allowed in the Kingdom. Please realize that the Kingdom is within you, but can only be unlocked by giving your life to Christ the Almighty God. He is the Father, the Son, and The Holy Ghost. You may not understand it, but it is not for you to understand, just believe. Once you trust and believe in God, it will all be revealed to you, I promise, everything will make sense. Right now you are operating on a blind system, a system that keeps you from hearing your fathers voice. Satan is the operator of that system and he is keeping you from the kingdom, by luring you into the pit where you will reside with him for eternity. You are an eternal being, where you spend it, is up to you, might as well be with your Father.

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If you don’t believe me, I want you to think for one minute, do you find yourself in life, running, escaping doing things to numb yourself, why is that? What are you running from? You claim to have a “condition”, all humans have a “condition” pick your poison. The reason you are running and want to tag a diagnosis on yourself is to validate your void. Why do you think you have a void? Because you are an orphan, you are void and empty because you feel alone, you have been detached from your heavenly Parent. You fell and got removed from Love, from the Almighty. So now you have to find your way back home. But you can’t do that if you continue to live in your lower desires, which are placed there by the one who caused your fall in the first place. Hell is being apart from our parent, we need our Father and his love. We are made of pure love and need our father to be able to exist in the Kingdom, that is within you, but you need Father to activate that spark of divinity. But Satan the adversary does not want you to achieve this, he hates you, he envies you, because he can’t ever be you or have what you have.

Photo by Porapak Apichodilok on
So now here you are on this planet, living at the lowest level of awareness, being led to lower levels by the sin you live in, placed there by the one that hates you, you are blinded and confused, Father is trying to wake you up. Don’t question Fathers plan, just follow his voice and his calling for you, and you will be set free.
Till Next Time
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