Facts Not Fiction

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So one of the most important things I find when presenting an argument is the need for facts and objective findings. Is that not how we have based our scientific evidence with good old fashion research, comparisons with a placebo versus the actual medicated group?
So let me try to explain here, how does a small minority get to demand so much and change so many laws with zero to none scientific objective findings? Everything trans is based on feelings, and subjective reporting. How do we go by this, when there is so much at stake?

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“Transgenderism, as a movement, has experienced a rapid rise compared to any other civil rights movement. Sex change surgery only went beyond experiments or the unfulfilled whims of Roman Emperors until the 1950s, a decade that brought us the term ‘transsexualism’ courtesy of those that treated Christine Jorgensen, who was still unable to marry men because their legal sex was still listed as male despite their sex reassignment surgery.” Sue Donym
Despite the supposed status of transgender people as America’s most oppressed minority, the North Carolina ‘bathroom bill’, H.B 2. was international news. How many other state bills become international news? Sue Donym
“That political disease is astroturf. The transgender movement promotes becoming your authentic self, whilst being inauthentic itself.” Sue Donym
The modern LGBTQ+ Movement Is Run By Philanthropic Astroturf And Based On Junk Science
So you see as the above article clearly shows, this trans agenda is run by very powerful people with a very dark agenda, one that I have been researching for a very long time now and have been trying to warn others for over half a century.

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What I have found out is that the DSM has been altered to fit the need for insurance reimbursement, going from gender identity disorder to gender dysphoria to fit in the children and the younger population to their criteria. Children are being used in the forefront to move the agenda further and to garner sympathy from the masses. They have used every possible campaign tactic ever used to push their new product: Transgenderism.

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There is absolutely zero grounded objective proof that shows without a shadow of a doubt that this condition is legit. We are seeing doctors being groomed and taught back door surgery techniques that have not been proven or tested, they are shooting at the hip and poorly I may add. The drugs being used are not approved by the FDA for the purpose that they are being used for, and the side effects are absolutely outstanding, drugs that have been recalled and repurposed for transitioners and their needs.
“Such popular delusions are characterized by a false belief unsupported by any scientific or empirical evidence and have a contagious quality that overrides rational thinking and even common sense. This all-too-human tendency to suspend individual critical judgment and go along with the crowd is greatly facilitated by social media. Most important, however, the cause has received the imprimatur of “experts.” The very people who should know better have bought into the hysteria. Just as “mental health professionals” a generation ago supported the child abuse delusions, and even participated in prosecuting the unjustly accused, so too have they fueled the fire of the transgender delusion”. Richard B. Corradi

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If we don’t ask the hard questions and demand the real science we are going to be sent into a very disruptive reality, where anything goes and people get to chose their destinies based on feelings and fad. I find that it is only the conservatives who take the time to care about this, to do research and make videos. I think it is time for the real science to step up to the plate. If you think this will not affect you, think again. If you have children or grandchildren you are fair game to this travesty. So I suggest you get a move on and start caring about what is taking place here.
Here is a video from a doctor that clearly explains how much of a quakery this whole notion is that people are being born in the wrong body. Sometimes I feel we are watching an episode of the Twilight Zone mixed with the Invasion Of The Body Snatcher.
We will have to ask the really hard questions like what is gender? “Gender identity refers to a person’s innate, deeply felt psychological identification as a man, woman or some other gender. Gender expression refers to the external manifestation of a person’s gender identity, which may or may not conform to socially-defined behaviors and characteristics typically associated with being either masculine or feminine.” So, gender identity is about someone identifying as a man or a woman? But what are men and women then? Can I identify as a woman on Wednesday and a man on Friday? And gender expression is about gender stereotypes? Actually, the whole thing just sounds like gender stereotypes. Maybe, that’s what ‘gender’ is. Sue Donym

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So we are basing peoples identity on roles and stereotypes, we are blocking hormones, adding synthetic hormones and performing dangerous surgeries all based on stereotypes, feelings, and roles?

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People if you can’t see right through this agenda, I have some really cheap land to sell you in Alaska, with a waterfront view.
Autogynophellics have done a great job at selling you this product, using your children as pawns for their trans agenda. Eyes need to be opened to the truth, and I am just here to try to get you to see the truth behind the lies.

Photo by Marcelo Dias on Pexels.com
Till Next Time
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