Garbage Term Gains Traction

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I agreed to do an interview yesterday in a popular YouTube Channel owned by a young 18-year trans-identified human who was born female. They boast about how well they pass and that their parents were very liberal and allowed them to do what they wanted. They transitioned 2 years ago, and now think they know it all when it comes to transition. Overall I felt they were disrespectful, although they were trying really hard to not be. The smirks laughs and disrespectful gestures made it difficult for me to hold my composure, but I did, I knew they were waiting for me to lose my cool. He had this so-called moderator who just looking at his face and expression I knew I was dealing with a smart ass, but is that not the norm for these kids this day age? It’s not a gender issue but, instead of an entitlement and disrespect issue, they have way too much time on their hands and do not know how to deal with anything that has not been programmed in their hive minds.

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They throw around the term gender dysphoria as their lifeline and justification as well as the word suicide as their bargaining card in order to make this trans thing a real thing. I am horrified and frankly disgusted with what I read on the chat and the comment section. I have spent the evening trying to talk some sense to these kids who have zero respect for their elders or anyone for that matter. An 18 year was trying to go toe to toe with a 54-year woman, who has been in this LGBT community for 36 years.

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So I am going to put this term and fad to rest on this blog today. First of all, all these kids have an obvious depression and anxiety problem, when deprived of what they want, their anxiety kicks in, some become self-destructive and others just become unruly. The neurological impairment that appears as in a horse with blinders kicks in and all they can do and think about is whatever it is on their mind at the moment. The host of the show explained that he saw a teacher of theirs who returned from summer break as full fledge transitioned human going from Female to male. I tried to explain to them, that it was the catalyst for their wanting to transition, they would not take that for an answer, prior to that there was no transition seeking. Now the obsession kicks in and it’s off to the races.

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Most of these kids have OCD, ADHD, and are Asbergery, the formula for disaster and the fuel that fires this obsession of transitioning hence called Gender Dysphoria. I don’t believe this term holds any water, it’s just like a cough to a cold. Its a term used to be able to justify and of course for insurance purposes hence why they changed from Gender Identity Disorder to Gender Dysphoria, so they can add the children in the mix.
“Possibly the most fundamental question to ask is, when one says ‘gender identity’, what phenomenon if any is being described. It really cannot be an “identity” in any conventional sense of the word. Group identities are based on socially identifying individuals as members of that group by ‘identifiable’ characteristics, not simply choosing to affiliate oneself with a group (a white person cannot simply choose to participate in black group identity because they cannot be identified by others as black). It’s impossible to have a conventional ‘identity’ without a social or external context because identities must be in reference to something one is being identified as (a group or characteristic). So, when a biological male declares that they “identify” as female, on what basis can they be claiming a female identity? They can honestly say that they want to be female, and they can potentially say that they “identify with women” in that they experience empathy or understanding towards females, but neither of those things makes someone female in the conventional definition of “female.” In fact, the notion that wanting to be female makes one female is quite paradoxical; why would someone be so distressed over wanting to be something that they already were? If female gender identity is really a metaphor for feeling like a woman (APA 2000), that raises the issue of how they know what a woman feels like. The problem with making claims about entirely internal things, things that can only be accessed by personal introspection and even then impossible to articulate clearly, is that such things are by nature inaccessible to other people so there can be no basis for comparison. So, working under the hypothetical assumption that there is such a quality as an ‘internal gender identity’, how can one know if their ‘internal gender identity’ is more like a male’s or more like a female’s? For someone to know if their ‘gender identity’ is male or female, they would have to be able to feel or experience another male’s ‘gender identity’, and another female’s ‘gender identity’, or have some way to access it, in order to compare another’s gender identity to their own to determine if it was more male or more female, but since ‘gender identity’ is said to be an internal state, that cannot be even hypothetically possible to do. To say that one “feels like a woman” requires knowing what another woman feels like; otherwise, how could someone recognize what they were, in fact, feeling as ‘like a woman’ and not like something else.”

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So I say malarky, people are using this term as a catch to their wannabe condition in the attempt to garner sympathy and to get their way. When they are just dealing with the inability to cope with life and what life handed them, so they have to create a victim mentality and justify their actions with a made up diagnosis. No one is born wrong no one has gender dysphoria, they just want what they want when they want it, its called being a brat, and this goes for the adult too.
Here is the interview, please note the chat room dialogue as well as the comments, we are dealing with a very scary condition that if not nipped in the bud, we are heading for a massive meltdown.
Till Next Time
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