The Crux Of The Matter: Trans Factor

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Questions that Parents are asking regarding their children whom they gave birth to are asking how do these therapists know their sons and daughters have gender dysphoria? Very good question, they don’t. There are no objective testing or any particular hardcore results that say your children are born wrong. The heart of the matter is this is junk science, a fad, a new way of making money and ruining peoples lives.
To make matter worse, there are not providing any other alternative but transition, do you guys not see something very wrong with this? No one is really trying to get to why people actually fill this way. They are just prescribing blocker, hormones, and surgery.
“but more so just let them be because the whole transition thing is costly. If she wants to be a girl and dress in man clothes I’m cool…I just think this whole transition thing is a huge step and a lot of people do need to be aware” A mother’s words and like the many that write to me, are concerned about what is taking place. This is beyond madness.

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Another thing I find that these impressionable teens who in my opinion are already dealing with neurological conditions, an event may trigger the need to alter their gender. Do you all remember how GiGi Gorgeous transitioned immediately after the death of their mother? Well here is another email from another concerned parent that show what I am talking about. “My daughter is shy and a people pleaser got picked on a lot and she told her dad about transitioning but before he passed last year he told her regardless of who you are you always gonna be my daughter.”
“she worries about what people say a lot and then she says I just wanna be happy…like how do you know what happiness is if you haven’t ventured out and found you.”
“am one of those moms that’s worried sick about my daughter bc every day she talks about transitioning like I thought it was a phase and I still feel like she living in her head” “I feel like she is brainwashed….living in her head thinking that her fantasy is gonna be reality but those expectations aren’t what it appears.”

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It is scripted folks, I am sure if you have a trans kid you can relate to the above words, I hear them time and time again. When are we going to say enough is enough, these people need help, real help, not slap a diagnosis with one size fits all approach, one that benefits big pharma and the medical industrial complex.
I also get personal messages from trans guys, supporting what I am doing, they seem to still have their maternal and reasoning intact, unlike trans women, who of course still think like men.
“once again your exactly right, with mtf that masculine energy never leaves in fact it gets much much worse when they aren’t in front people parading that is, you know using it to push their way to what they want, hours on clothes or makeup or whatever, they think being a real woman is lying around waiting for their man to do everything, etc, ugh. So that never leaves them and our gentle female energy and bonding to family never leaves us, so yes indeed it doesn’t work and never will.”
“It’s hard to find a woman if you’re a trans man, real woman wants real men, so you end up with mtf, and boy, they are exactly as you say, so self-absorbed, not caring for family, only what they want.”

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I am telling, I don’t understand how other people are not seeing this? It is so apparent to me, and hence why I could not continue living the lie. I am here to expose, to shed light and truth on this agenda. I ask all of you, are you with me, we need to stop enabling this madness before it completely destroys the foundation of humanity. We are having women who want to be men, remove their breasts, grow a beard take testosterone, they want to have babies, and have changed the language in the midwife association to pregnant person instead of pregnant women because they don’t feel comfortable being referred as a woman. Last I checked only women have babies. You have men competing against real women, messing with records and destroying women’s sports. When is enough going to be enough?
Till Next Time Lets change the course of madness
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