Change Society Not Your Gender

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The notion that we can change our sex like we change our underwear began with a crafty “Medical” “Professional” who sought to help those individuals who were none functional in society. The assumption was that if they can’t change the way they think we will then change their physique. A brilliant idea he thought at the time, however little did this so-called genius of science forget that Sex is biological and by tweaking the cosmetics of a person, you cannot change the inner workings that make that human who they are.

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The facts are as follows, the human body is controlled by hormones, receptors, DNA, genetics, chromosomes, cells, and an intelligent system that was created by design. We may think we can alter things as we wish, but the body, like any good computer that is designed to fulfill a certain purpose, cannot be altered. We are animals and are meant for reproduction. Although as barbaric as they may sound, the reality of the matter is that the only reason we may seem a bit more advanced than the average monkey is that we have a bigger brain and our spirit connects with an intelligent designer who designed us for a purpose, and that is to reproduce.

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So this modern-day notion that we can swap our gender to fit our personality is ludicrous, irresponsible and yes impossible. Gender is based on a social construct crafted around stereotypes and roles. Nature could give a rats ass, what clothing you want to wear, and the style of your hair, that be wearing wigs, hats, weaves, extensions, shaved head, it does not matter to our precious designer, we were created to reproduce and in reproduction, there are certain laws to follow. Gonads have specific tasks to accomplish and at the end of 9 months, there will be a beautiful bundle of joy, prepped for the next cycle.

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Society is being romanced with this notion that a person can be born in the wrong body when this is impossible and frankly lacks any substance. What we are seeing take place here is societies way of altering the gay away, pushing normative on the likes who do not fit societies perfect little gender box. A man that is too feminine is ostracized and a woman who is too masculine is looked down upon. It is a form of conversion/conforming therapy, that pushes stereotypes beyond belief. Literally saying that if a boy likes to play with dolls and prefers to hang around other girls if he is too sensitive for his gender type, then he must be a girl, I say that is ridiculous and frankly dangerous.

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We are seeing a trend here, where crossdressers, autogynephilic men, Tomboys, Dikes and anyone who does not fit into their normative roles according to their sexed reality, are being pushed into picking a box and changing their life to fit societies expectations. Grown adults are leaving behind a life they created with the wife and kids, careers all set, to go chase some fairy tale notion were Johnny becomes Samantha. Not only is this disturbing to watch, frankly the outcome is never pretty, but it is destroying the lives of innocent people who never signed up for such a thing.

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Parent if you are dealing with a child who is gender not conforming please keep all social media away from them, they will be lured as well as you to follow this Frankensteinian fiasco. Let them be the girly boy or the boyish girl, they may grow out of it, or they may just grow up to be a happy gender none conformed adult, who may or may not be gay and will help change the world’s perception of what a man or a woman should be.

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Let us stop this crazy agenda dead on its tracks, they have taken enough lives and destroyed the very core of creation. Do not fall for the trap, or get lured in the pity party, the majority are self-loathing, traumatized individuals who are seeking to self satisfy and to make a mockery of our creator.

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I know I will not sit back and continue to watch this disaster unfold. I care too much about humans and life here on earth, to just nod my head and agree just because I drank the kool-aid once upon a time. It is time for me to speak up, to show the hard facts and yes fight this battle, I fight for your children, I fight for my brothers and sisters who are brainwashed and are not aware of their own actions. I too sat on that same field, I was blind but now I can see. I was lost but now I am found.
Till Next Time
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