Let’s Talk Heart

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When people say they “feel” like the opposite gender that they were born as, what exactly are they feeling? I have known over 100 trans people personally, and online via interview, email and correspondence interaction another 100 at least, not one has been able to articulate what they mean to feel like they were born in the wrong body. They can tell me what stereotypes they like to express, what roles they wish to play, and how they wish to be looked upon in society. But none has had the ability to articulate the feeling and give me a concrete objective finding that would make their argument solid.

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There are specifics in nature that are set there for the purpose of reproduction, to include genotypes that are set in stone, no matter what that person wishes to be seen as, or how badly they want to get rid of it I have spoken to many trans widows and other women who have had trans women in their lives, all say the same things. Many were totally surprised by this unset of their loved one’s gender confusion and felt they did not even know this new person that all of a sudden appeared in their life. Many said that they had been with women in the past, and none of the trans women compared to the characteristics of a nato woman. I can concur.

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The fabricated character, which by the way, many swear it’s no different than their “boy” persona, is not at all the same, even their voice, facial expression, and mannerism change dramatically. I have heard many people express that it seems sort of like a character, not aligned through their movement, which appears forced and unrelaxed. The voice change, tone, pitch, and cadence takes on this fake passive demeanor, that frankly makes many feel uneasy. The incensive need to take a glimpse at anything that resembles a mirror, one of my exes was nickname espejito which means mirror in Spanish because they could not seize the moment to stare at their reflection.

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I believe our bodies are well set in stone through the years, there are certain markers, mechanisms, and effects from years of our inborn hormones that are etched in stone and incapable of being removed or even changed, and although many can try to fake a pose, the innate mechanism will always center itself and manifest its original form.

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Just as a heart donor recipient will tend to feel a different flavor, likes and dislike that is not their own but from the original source of the pumping, feeling, and amazing organ, the original design the biological makeup of the birthed sex, cannot be removed, not even with any type of training, surgery or hormonal treatment. The body will reject all said attempt and in the end, the project will resume its original form and self destruct.

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Our designer and creator of these meat suits did not intend for us to alter or mess with the original creation. The Absolute Divine Force, Mother/Father created our Spark of divinity for we are one with the All, but our meat suit, if you follow the creation story, and read the Nag Hamate, you will soon realize that there were two different creations involved and that what we are seeing in this day and age, is a corruption of what our true creator created. The Adversary has turned this world upside down, and we have only scratched the surface of what is going to take place.

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In my opinion and through my experiences and those I have been close to, this whole gender swap leads to nothing but heartbreak, more confusion and frustration, never being enough, always wanting more till exhaustion sets in. I would say, leave yourselves alone, learn what makes you, you, not what you think you should be, or what you fantasize in your heads, because in the end, you not only are going to lose you but you will not be able to fully duplicate what you created in your mind. You will be left with a void, hence why there are more suicides after transition, than before. So let’s talk to heart, the heart that pumps the blood through your veins, and exchanges the chemicals via the lungs, this cannot be altered, your personality is not attached to gender, and your presentation is nothing more than you dreamed up reality, that although many attempt to make a real paradigm, in the end, as I learned the hard way, it will cease to exist, and you will be left with who you are, not who you thought you should be.
Till Next Time
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