Friday, October 20, 2017

Depression What Is it Exactly?

We can’t watch television without being subjected to a slew of antidepressant medications, one of the many prescription drugs being advertised by big pharma today. Do you think it is a coincidence that most everyone you know is either depressed, anxious or suicidal, and by the way, suicidal seems to be one of the side effects from most of the latest big pharma concoction?
Let’s break down what depression actually is and how it affects us.  Our brain is a network of neurons, brain cells, and dendrites which are a short branched extension of a nerve cell, along which impulses received from other cells at synapses (gaps) which are transmitted to the cell body to create brain function. This highway or railroads that connect throughout this big mass of matter requires an optimal environment for healthy function. If we are not providing the ultimate nutritional source and healthy environment, we can’t expect our brain to work ultimately, instead it will malfunction and an imbalance will set forth depressive, anxious and abnormal behavior.
Very little is still know about brain function, the science is still in its infancy, however, since the brain is connected to our bodies and our bodies are affected by our environment in many ways, we must conclude that when things are not in balance in our intake, lived experience and chemical interaction, we will see an array of problems showing itself in what psychiatry loves to label as mental illness. In my opinion, when someone has a mental illness, they are just out of balance, therefore, disease sets in.
Without going into a prescribed treatment plan, I will tell you this, that a healthy mind is accomplished first by admitting you have a problem, becoming aware of your out of balance behavior, then by analyzing your life and your intakes. No two people are alike, so this is a personal treatment plan that you have to prescribe and assess. You will need to observe your life as a spectator and find out what is not in alignment, what does not feel good, what is making you ill, what thoughts causes you pain, anxiety, and feelings of helplessness. If you know that there is no true solution for your feelings of helplessness and your wishes or wants are not attainable or normal, then you must reassess and tap into reality, for you will become further entrapped in the abyss and your depression will worsen, as seen with many in the trans community whom even after full transition, continue to experience feelings of helplessness, depression and even have suicidal ideation. Synthetic hormones will increase depression once your honeymoon stage high is over, the pendulum will swing viciously to the other side.
Depression is not that complicated really, and in my opinion, can be solved by natural means. If you are on medication, can you actually say that your depression has improved and are you free from side effects from this said medication, you need to assess your situation and research all the natural types of treatments out there.

Here is our Thursday Show, towards the end of our podcast we talk about some solutions to depression.

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