Don't believe the lies you are told regarding the trans narrative, no one is born wrong, people just encounter situations while their brains are being developed and get stuck in certain level of development, a traumatized mind will develop abnormal behavior that can lead to personality and bipolar disorders, and an alter ego is developed hence the claim to being born wrong. These people genuinely believe this, and need help, but not the kind of help being provided by the medical community. They need to help these people realize that nothing is wrong with them, and they need to accept that they are different and that is okay. No one transitions anywhere, they just take on a lifetime of drugs and procedures that do not make them into the opposite gender, they are just being sold a lie. Just like an anorexic or anybody with body dysmorphia looks in the mirror and sees something different, the trans person senses when they look in the mirror that they are someone else.
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