Friday, October 20, 2017

Made By Nature?

The problem many of us face in this world is the lack of self-love and a super dose of low self-esteem. This is no surprise, nor is it a coincidence by any stretch of the word, it is all by design.  You see there are people responsible for creating a humanity that is "defected" and struggling to fit in. How many of you have heard of  Baphomet? Baphomet a term originally used to describe an idol or other deities that the Knights Templar were accused of worshipping and that subsequently was incorporated into the disparate occult and mystical traditions. It appeared as a term for a pagan idol in trial transcripts of the Inquisition of the Knights Templar in the early 14th century.  Baphomet is a humanoid figure with a goat’s head and embodies both genders, as it has the breast of a woman and is depicted as having both male and female organs. It is also referred to the Goat of Mendes, the Black goat or Judas goat. Matthew 25:31-34 gives us insight into why the use of a goat is symbolic and used in reference to those who live in opposition to Yahweh. Goats are defined by their selfish, stubborn, indignant and rebellious nature while sheep, who are used as symbolism for Saints are obedient and the opposite of a goat’s disposition.  Goats were even used in the Torah for the scapegoat.  There is a serious problem with a little boy wanting to dress up like a princess or worse, who believes that he should’ve actually been born a girl and vice versa there is something troublesome about a little girl who believes that she should’ve actually been male and not female as if God made a mistake.  Media subliminal usage is prolific in regard to this and should not be underestimated as a pervasive and profound influence.  

"The agenda is going strong, but at a deeper level, there’s more than just social transformation going on. This is about spiritual transformation, and the goal of preparing society to accept the Antichrist and the pagan religious system which will be part of the 666 Beast System, spoken of in the Bible. It’s just around the corner, so the indoctrination is proceeding at an increasingly rapid pace. It’s about Satan’s goal of destroying everything in creation as God originally made it, and especially the destruction of humanity created in God’s image. It’s occurring quickly because the time for his rise is almost upon us. Thankfully, his reign will be short-lived, as the Bible not only tells of this system’s rise but of its total destruction at the return of Christ." George Ryan
My gut feeling is that there is nothing natural about all that is going on in our world and that this trans agenda is fabricated by the powers to be. Look at the individuals that undergo this endeavor, self-harming, self-hating, easily influenced and easily disturbed, they become taken over are on the autistic spectrum and are in a tranz, pun intended and are all on the same train ride. All you have to do is peel the skin off this phenomenon, watch video after video, look into FB page after FB page, and you will see the same patterns no difference.  A "suppress" individual who has known since they were 3 to 5 years old, for others it starts after a traumatic event, later on in life, but the course of action is always the same as is the feelings demonstrated. They feel something was wrong with them, and they now want to alter their bodies, a cult programming to say the least. Most of these people are computer geeks, are into sci-fi, work in the video industry, and love to read and watch fantasy, alterations of gender-bending and such. The other spectrum is excessively feminine men, usually gay, who don't fit into societies typical gender box and feel they would fit into society if they demonstrated as female. Now don't get me wrong, I think self-expression is a wonderful thing, and I don't share the same sentiments as the uber Christians do, that one size fits all, but when it becomes medicalized and pathologized, then Houston we have a problem. It is important to self-express and not to fit into a box, but this agenda has just gone overboard and headed for a massive disastrous result.

The more I research and the more I see, the more I understand that this is a socially designed disorder and the medical community is just running with it. People are hurting for real, but gender is not the problem, gender is just something they can physically try to change, but we know how well that works. Healing needs to take place, healing due to childhood traumas, the lack of self-esteem, boredom, wanting more out of life and most of all escapism, that is a big one. The two types of Transsexuals in the MTF arena, the HSTS, and the Autogynepheliacs are very different conditions and Female to masculine individuals become power-driven, the need to see themselves as male and not women who are attracted to other women, or masculine females who are attracted to men. I am always so mesmerized by this whole gender dysphoria phenomenon and the lack of real information out there regarding these conditions.
The sad thing of all of this is that people's personalities are being seen as a pathology and being medicalized, instead of being celebrated for what it is. I hope things change and people need to accept who they are for real, not the fantasy version of what they have created in their heads and how they think things should be.

Till Next Time

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