Friday, October 20, 2017

In A Nut Shell

Transgender Ideology is a very faulty ideology.  In actual fact, there is nothing wrong with one's gender, body, and most of all one's sex. The person claiming gender dysphoria is just a neurologically impaired individual with lots of childhood traumas, low self-esteem, and in the case of an MTF, their male characteristic brain sex is usually very much on target as seen in their typical behavior. Their inability to have compassion for others, a narcissistic personality, visuals ruling their brain, of what they think a female should look like, they miss the actual actions and behaviors of the female species. And yes I know not all females are alike, but there are certain characteristics that should be noted, to be female is beyond wardrobe and makeup, and trans women are missing the boat on this one. They are all about the looks, the makeup, the wigs, the clothing, they can't even be what they perceive as being a woman without actually putting on their getup.
It is as if another person comes to life, the alter ego that they develop takes a life of its own, but it is not a complete person, it lacks integrity, reasoning, and knowledge, it is as if one is getting a child without any life experience what so ever. If we take a closer look at trans people, we will see a very constant behavior across the board, escapism. These individuals are trying to escape a reality and create a fantasy, but a fantasy that cannot be totally fulfilled, because it is missing many parts, and it is shallow at best. Hence why they never find happiness, no matter what they do, they are always searching, feeling empty, alone, and lost, they are never satisfied with one single thing in life, and if they are a man wanting to be a woman which a person with a male brain cannot ever achieve, their constant search for more and the need for drama is on the top of their list, their misogynistic behavior gets in the way of even coming close to it.
Here is Thursday nights show where we discuss many of these issues:

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