Monday, January 01, 2018

2018 The Year Of Health

Every year we all promise to be and do better. We make resolutions we can't and do not keep. Health seems to be last on our list.

Lynna and I are very health conscious and for a good reason. She fell off a mountain pass while driving to come see me December 2014 and was nearly paralyzed fracturing her neck in 3 places C1, C2 and C4, as well as T7.  The doctors gave her 25% recovery chance if she had surgery to fuse her broken bones and repair torn ligaments and a lacerated spinal chord. Well we said no to surgery and we opted to go with the natural approach and here we are 3 years later. Lynna and I met in the ICU ward January 1st 2015 and have been inseparable ever since, having texted and spoken on the phone 2 weeks prior was the only history we had since we were introduced by an online friend and we hit it off right away.

My quest for health began after a rotator cuff surgery I had that left me very sick and the years on hormones that made my body feel very toxic. I opted to stop T back then, I have stopped many times due to health scares, and became a raw vegan after my very first fast in 2010. I was a bodybuilder for years but I must honestly say that except for the discipline involved in the sport, healthy it is not. The amount of protein ingested, the drugs taken to help achieve the perfect physique makes bodybuilding a very unhealthy sport and lifestyle. So when I went on my health quest of raw veganism for over a year I had lots of detoxing to do.

We are now doing a Candidas cleanse beginning tomorrow as soon as our cleanse arrives which is Tuesday, Candida Complex is a 2 months program to help your body normalize your gut flora along with doing a sugar free diet. Both Lynna and I have dealt with candida over growth and let me tell you it wreaks havoc on your system. 

2018 is going to be the year of true health and happiness. We wish you all a great year and hope we can all free ourselves from the things that keep us down and out.

Till next time..

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