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Saturday, March 23, 2019
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Believe And Be Set Free

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Listen I know, most people get turned off by religion but hear me out. I am not religious far from it, I am spiritual and follow Christ and the Father. I have been fighting God since the day I was born. I rejected everything and anything that had to do with him, especially when I came out as a lesbian. I was told by my Jehova Witness grandmother that I would go to hell if I lived that life. So I grew to dislike the figure that judged me for who I thought I was and liked.
No one likes to follow rules, that’s just how we are built, well, maybe a few do, but in the end, all of life has laws that we must follow them. If you put your hand on the fire, you will get burn, that’s just the facts of life. If You jump off a cliff without a parachute or some sort of device to break your fall, you will break bones and possibly die. If you go into the lion’s den you will be eaten alive. You get what I am saying here?

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I know that people don’t all believe that there is a creator, somehow, they think that one big giant explosion created everything you see before us today. I don’t get it, usually or should I say always when there is an explosion, disaster and destruction follow. Whoever thought that a big bang would create everything you see around you, beautifully and perfectly made, including you, you did not come out of an explosion but an intelligent design, if you think otherwise you are out of your mind. As humans, we think we know it all, that we are above God and we can do as we please. We create our own theories, even design our own creator as we see fit. We add and take verses from the bible and have managed to create thousands of belief systems, all to justify our behavior and gain power over God.

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Well I got news for you, you can’t out think God, his God, you are not. And although we are made in his image, we only have the abilities that he allows us to have, and only through him can we become whole. He came as a man to feel what we feel, his love for us is so great that he did that for you, he shed his blood for you, so you can be clean and be allowed in the Kingdom. Please realize that the Kingdom is within you, but can only be unlocked by giving your life to Christ the Almighty God. He is the Father, the Son, and The Holy Ghost. You may not understand it, but it is not for you to understand, just believe. Once you trust and believe in God, it will all be revealed to you, I promise, everything will make sense. Right now you are operating on a blind system, a system that keeps you from hearing your fathers voice. Satan is the operator of that system and he is keeping you from the kingdom, by luring you into the pit where you will reside with him for eternity. You are an eternal being, where you spend it, is up to you, might as well be with your Father.

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If you don’t believe me, I want you to think for one minute, do you find yourself in life, running, escaping doing things to numb yourself, why is that? What are you running from? You claim to have a “condition”, all humans have a “condition” pick your poison. The reason you are running and want to tag a diagnosis on yourself is to validate your void. Why do you think you have a void? Because you are an orphan, you are void and empty because you feel alone, you have been detached from your heavenly Parent. You fell and got removed from Love, from the Almighty. So now you have to find your way back home. But you can’t do that if you continue to live in your lower desires, which are placed there by the one who caused your fall in the first place. Hell is being apart from our parent, we need our Father and his love. We are made of pure love and need our father to be able to exist in the Kingdom, that is within you, but you need Father to activate that spark of divinity. But Satan the adversary does not want you to achieve this, he hates you, he envies you, because he can’t ever be you or have what you have.

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So now here you are on this planet, living at the lowest level of awareness, being led to lower levels by the sin you live in, placed there by the one that hates you, you are blinded and confused, Father is trying to wake you up. Don’t question Fathers plan, just follow his voice and his calling for you, and you will be set free.
Till Next Time
Garbage Term Gains Traction

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I agreed to do an interview yesterday in a popular YouTube Channel owned by a young 18-year trans-identified human who was born female. They boast about how well they pass and that their parents were very liberal and allowed them to do what they wanted. They transitioned 2 years ago, and now think they know it all when it comes to transition. Overall I felt they were disrespectful, although they were trying really hard to not be. The smirks laughs and disrespectful gestures made it difficult for me to hold my composure, but I did, I knew they were waiting for me to lose my cool. He had this so-called moderator who just looking at his face and expression I knew I was dealing with a smart ass, but is that not the norm for these kids this day age? It’s not a gender issue but, instead of an entitlement and disrespect issue, they have way too much time on their hands and do not know how to deal with anything that has not been programmed in their hive minds.

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They throw around the term gender dysphoria as their lifeline and justification as well as the word suicide as their bargaining card in order to make this trans thing a real thing. I am horrified and frankly disgusted with what I read on the chat and the comment section. I have spent the evening trying to talk some sense to these kids who have zero respect for their elders or anyone for that matter. An 18 year was trying to go toe to toe with a 54-year woman, who has been in this LGBT community for 36 years.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on
So I am going to put this term and fad to rest on this blog today. First of all, all these kids have an obvious depression and anxiety problem, when deprived of what they want, their anxiety kicks in, some become self-destructive and others just become unruly. The neurological impairment that appears as in a horse with blinders kicks in and all they can do and think about is whatever it is on their mind at the moment. The host of the show explained that he saw a teacher of theirs who returned from summer break as full fledge transitioned human going from Female to male. I tried to explain to them, that it was the catalyst for their wanting to transition, they would not take that for an answer, prior to that there was no transition seeking. Now the obsession kicks in and it’s off to the races.

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Most of these kids have OCD, ADHD, and are Asbergery, the formula for disaster and the fuel that fires this obsession of transitioning hence called Gender Dysphoria. I don’t believe this term holds any water, it’s just like a cough to a cold. Its a term used to be able to justify and of course for insurance purposes hence why they changed from Gender Identity Disorder to Gender Dysphoria, so they can add the children in the mix.
“Possibly the most fundamental question to ask is, when one says ‘gender identity’, what phenomenon if any is being described. It really cannot be an “identity” in any conventional sense of the word. Group identities are based on socially identifying individuals as members of that group by ‘identifiable’ characteristics, not simply choosing to affiliate oneself with a group (a white person cannot simply choose to participate in black group identity because they cannot be identified by others as black). It’s impossible to have a conventional ‘identity’ without a social or external context because identities must be in reference to something one is being identified as (a group or characteristic). So, when a biological male declares that they “identify” as female, on what basis can they be claiming a female identity? They can honestly say that they want to be female, and they can potentially say that they “identify with women” in that they experience empathy or understanding towards females, but neither of those things makes someone female in the conventional definition of “female.” In fact, the notion that wanting to be female makes one female is quite paradoxical; why would someone be so distressed over wanting to be something that they already were? If female gender identity is really a metaphor for feeling like a woman (APA 2000), that raises the issue of how they know what a woman feels like. The problem with making claims about entirely internal things, things that can only be accessed by personal introspection and even then impossible to articulate clearly, is that such things are by nature inaccessible to other people so there can be no basis for comparison. So, working under the hypothetical assumption that there is such a quality as an ‘internal gender identity’, how can one know if their ‘internal gender identity’ is more like a male’s or more like a female’s? For someone to know if their ‘gender identity’ is male or female, they would have to be able to feel or experience another male’s ‘gender identity’, and another female’s ‘gender identity’, or have some way to access it, in order to compare another’s gender identity to their own to determine if it was more male or more female, but since ‘gender identity’ is said to be an internal state, that cannot be even hypothetically possible to do. To say that one “feels like a woman” requires knowing what another woman feels like; otherwise, how could someone recognize what they were, in fact, feeling as ‘like a woman’ and not like something else.”

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So I say malarky, people are using this term as a catch to their wannabe condition in the attempt to garner sympathy and to get their way. When they are just dealing with the inability to cope with life and what life handed them, so they have to create a victim mentality and justify their actions with a made up diagnosis. No one is born wrong no one has gender dysphoria, they just want what they want when they want it, its called being a brat, and this goes for the adult too.
Here is the interview, please note the chat room dialogue as well as the comments, we are dealing with a very scary condition that if not nipped in the bud, we are heading for a massive meltdown.
Till Next Time
Saturday, March 16, 2019
Missing The Mark: The Beast Is In Control

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So I get approached by a gender confused possibly FTM identified person on FB, who is from Peru. She tries to gravel with me, informing me that I appear angry and that Christians need to teach about Gods love. Well, first of all, I am a follower of Yeshua, I don’t much like labels, have been living by labels most of my life, therefore I am done with that. I do share many beliefs with my brothers and sisters in the Christian faith, but I don’t want to be labeled a Christian, because not all Christians follow the teaching of Christ the way that I feel should be followed. I have been reading my Bible, and also started reading the Nag Hammadi Scripters, I am seeking my Father and want to live the remainder years according to his laws.
She asked me what led to my change and why am I going against the trans community? I answered, the trans community in and of itself, are the ones that created my change in how I viewed the whole situation. The list for this is a mile long, no one is ever happy, and I find it offensive on how they find it appropriate to force this on everyone. They badger the feminists and the Christians for disagreeing with their trans ideology. Yet, it’s so funny, how they can’t see what they themselves do, yet they love to point fingers and ram their views down everyone’s throat.

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I proceeded to tell her, that after 16 years of living as a trans man and 22 as a lesbian, a total of 36 years in the LGBT lifestyle, I find that there is no true happiness on either road nor is there any true functionality based on how my life turned out and what I see from others. I can’t and I won’t make a blanket statement, I have been known to do so, and have been shamed for it, but I can say that what I have experienced and seen is it does not work. People become homeless, lose their jobs, family, children, and friends, they get ridiculed by society, some turn to drugs, alcohol and are promiscuous, getting AIDS and other venereal diseases.

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The lifestyle does take a toll on people. Now I know, many hate to see the word lifestyle attached to their preferences, however, if we are honest, and I hope we can be, the definition of lifestyle goes as follows:” the way in which a person or group lives, a way of life, a way of living, a manner of living, that is not considered the “norm”. A typical scenario is a man and a woman, they reproduce and the cycle continues. Furthermore, the definition reads the habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, that together constitute the mode of living of an individual or group. who partake in an unhealthy lifestyle choice; lifestyle advertising; etc. Note I am not judging, just pointing out facts, truth and observation are not judgment or hate. We need to stop gaslighting and intimidating people who do not agree with you. It does not work and only makes people angry and want to rebel against you further.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on
Now lets really dive into this, shall we? Most gays and lesbians come from a dysfunctional home or at least a home with parents who were not willing to understand that their son or daughter was born different. Now different does not mean born in the wrong body, or that you need to be attracted to the same sex because you don’t feel like a regular boy or girl. Usually, the shaming, sexual abuse, lack of parental communication and or support, can lead us in the path of experimentation with the same sex. For women seeking the affection of one’s mother, who at times lacks the skill to be as we saw fit, this in no way means our mother are bad mothers, it means that as a child with neurological and psychological needs we needed more. There are many factors that figure into this sexual and gender anomaly none of which are being addressed, and instead pushed along by a dysfunctional system that does not have your best interest. We can blame an overly demanding Father, leading us in a path of perfectionism, which creates a slew of problems including our own self worth and lack of self-esteem issues.

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But to claim that we are born this way is a false claim. We develop coping skills based on our surroundings, based on our treatment and based on how we see the world. Our brain is very plastic and adapts, changes and creates scenarios as it sees fit. Mothers mold their infants for the first 5 years, in addition, if a child has an influx of androgen or lack there off, their mannerisms may take on a more feminine or masculine approach, however, the molding of the parents also make a massive difference to how a child presents. But again this does not mean you are born wrong or need to have sexual relations with the same sex.

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The sexual attraction is lead by how a person feels they fit into this world or based on the traumas we have endured. You must be honest with yourself, did you rebel when your mother pushed on you the more feminine things, when you were experimenting with more boy type toys or clothing, this is normal for a child to experiment, if a parent places too much emphasis on this, it will make the child rebels and hence the beginning of sexual and gender confusion begins. If you were sexually molested, you may have difficulty letting your guard down with men, the triggers from the molestation need to be worked on to free yourself from the aversion you have created.

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In my humble opinion, no one is born gay or trans, we are born with personalities and we are traumatized throughout our youth and we, therefore, cope accordingly and use poor coping skills to get along with life. There are many gays and lesbians who have dropped the lifestyle and are now living happy lives as heterosexual or asexuals. There are many detransitioners who are living as the sex they were born as. I am here as a survivor of both thinking I was a lesbian and then a trans guy, to tell you, this was not my path to take, but it was placed upon me due to many circumstances that I faced growing up. I am glad that I was able to work through it all, and I am here to say that you too can heal. Open your heart to healing, let Father in, and he will do the rest. You must do the work first, however, carry your cross, heal from your childhood traumas, and keep the communication with your heavenly parent. What do you have to lose? Are you afraid of healing, is this lifestyle so important to you? What would you be without it? The ego will take you down to the pit, it will destroy you and it will lie to you, all to gain control over you.
Till Next Time
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