I feel transsexuality in general has many characteristics and individuality, including behaviors, which Michael exhibited. For starters the isolation, stealthy, self loathing, along with the intolerance of our world, that we experience, creates many psychosocial disorders in the transsexual individual. I know many MTF's who correlate becoming a woman with shopping, buying expensive shoes, and over indulging in surgery. Most transsexuals experience obsessive compulsive behaviors to include FTM's. In my research, I have notice that transsexuals have many neurological issues all byproducts of the hormonal bathing that took place in utero. I was interviewed by Ashley, the reporter in the article, because she wanted my intake on the situation. I was very appalled by the religious group who intervened and took it upon themselves to be judge and jury, and played head games with someone who already had issues. I suggested legal intervention for they should be held responsible for their actions. I have read many comments regarding Michael online and on other forums, and I feel that people are being unfair and judgmental. There are no manuals that clearly dictates who is transsexual or not. Being subject to a continuum, transsexuality is clearly not black or white, but has many shades of grey.
Transsexuaity is subject to hormonal bathing, genetic structures, receptors and timing. Some individuals can go back and forth with their identity, yet this doesn’t make them any less of a transsexual than someone who knows there is no turning back. Our society basis everything on labels, and this is where we get ourselves in trouble. Nature has no black or white, humans are the ones that find the need to place people in boxes and place labels on them. I hope Michael gets the help he needs, and I also hope that his transgender brothers and sisters stop tearing him down. We need to remember that our roads have not always been easy, that we too have dealt with situations that were not always perfect. Some of us have had an angel on our shoulder helping us every step of the way, while others have had to go at it alone and with much difficulties. Let's take Michael's life and learn from it, instead of sensationalizing it like the media most often does.
I dream of one day where the world will finally break free from labels, where minorities will unite instead of tear each other down, were we will learn that it doesn’t matter the color of our skin, the gender we identify as or who we decide to sleep with. Instead we will see that we are all connected, one big macro organism that are here to make each others journey more pleasant and not distasteful.
Peace to all
Mark Angelo
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