Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Trans Kids & the Dangers of Blockers


Anonymous said...

You should read the study Young Adult Psychological Outcome After Puberty Suppression and Gender Reassignment
Here's the basic info:

BACKGROUND: In recent years, puberty suppression by means of gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs has become accepted in clinical management of adolescents who have gender dysphoria (GD). The current study is the first longer-term longitudinal evaluation of the effectiveness of this approach.
METHODS: A total of 55 young transgender adults (22 transwomen and 33 transmen) who had received puberty suppression during adolescence were assessed 3 times: before the start of puberty suppression (mean age, 13.6 years), when cross-sex hormones were introduced (mean age, 16.7 years), and at least 1 year after gender reassignment surgery (mean age, 20.7 years). Psychological functioning (GD, body image, global functioning, depression, anxiety, emotional and behavioral problems) and objective (social and educational/professional functioning) and subjective (quality of life, satisfaction with life and happiness) well-being were investigated.
RESULTS: After gender reassignment, in young adulthood, the GD was alleviated and psychological functioning had steadily improved. Well-being was similar to or better than same-age young adults from the general population. Improvements in psychological functioning were positively correlated with postsurgical subjective well-being.
CONCLUSIONS: A clinical protocol of a multidisciplinary team with mental health professionals, physicians, and surgeons, including puberty suppression, followed by cross-sex hormones and gender reassignment surgery, provides gender dysphoric youth who seek gender reassignment from early puberty on, the opportunity to develop into well-functioning young adults.

Transitionradio said...

These are not enough 55 people really? And long term studies mean, long term. Who conducted the studies, the same people who are pushing the agenda? Hormones and blocker are dangerous period for anyone, never mind our young.

There is nothing wrong with our bodies, gender expression is a beautiful thing, we can't change who we are, we have been fed a big fat lie.

Anonymous said...

So you're no longer taking hormones? When did you stop? Is your partner also stopping hormones?

Transitionradio said...

My hormonal regimen should not be in question, I had my ovaries and uterus removed due to fibroids and health conditions. I am intersex, and go on and off hormones as per my medical regimen. Frankly it is none of your business what my regimen is. This is not about me or my partner. This is about the deceit and agenda in this "community"

Anonymous said...

You've never claimed being intersex before. What happened?

It's none of my business but if you're claiming that hormones are dangerous then wouldn't it make sense for you to not use them? Or is your taking hormones a form of self harm?

Transitionradio said...

No self harm, I have no ovaries to produce any hormones so I take a small amount of T, not that it is any of your business. And I didnt feel it necessary to share my medical condition that created lots of medical issues for me, I transitioned and fought for trans rights, but now I see this community that is worthless and no longer feel the need to advocate. I am totally ashamed of them.

Transitionradio said...

Oh by the way who are you and why not share your identity.

Anonymous said...

Are you seeing a therapist now? If not, I highly recommend it. All of this negativity and hate you have can't be healthy.

Transitionradio said...

I have not hate, just because I am exposing truth, is not hate, on the contrary it is done out love. Sorry try again.

Anonymous said...

If it's not hate then why do you feel the need to abuse trans women?

Transitionradio said...

yeah yeah, hello Jess figured it was you. I don't abuse anyone, but nice try and story. Does it feed into your womanhood delusion.

Transitionradio said...

Funny you are the only one who has ever reported such lies. I lived and was married to Violet for 10 years no reports of abuse, and we are still friends and love each other dearly. Now I am with Lynna and she can tell you the loving person I am. Maybe your own anger and hate created all the issues in the relationship. I would seek help if I where you.

Anonymous said...

I'm not jess, but I've seen you miagendering trans women left and right. That's abusive.

Transitionradio said...

trans woman are abusive to themselves and others, they don't need any help.

Transitionradio said...

trans woman where born men, thats not misgendering that is fact. Now don't you have anything else better to do?

Anonymous said...

Then don't be abusive towards trans women. Don't misgender trans people is one of the first things you learn.

Anonymous said...

You call trans women "men" and "he." That's misgendering. And trans women were born under/around 10lbs, naked, and unable to control their bowels.

Anonymous said...

Your blog has you self-identified as a trans man "on a mission". You self identify as trans. You appear (I'd be pretty sure that you have) to have taken T for a long period of your life. But you fault others for wanting to delay puberty or take hormones. You also deny that transwomen are anything but men.


Transitionradio said...

what do babies and bowels have to do with a trans woman being born a man, hence it is not misgendering, have to do with anything?

I did at one point identify with a community I wanted to help, I am intersex and now ashamed of this community, hence I will no longer identify with them, in fact I am about to bring forth the biggest campaign to discredit the delusion that a person can change gender. They cannot.

Also this post started out about Trans kids and hormones, your tactics of wanting to turn it around and discredit me, is only proving your agenda. Now go away and dress up or something.

kids have no business being on hormones or blockers. If adults want to mess with their endocrine system then by all means, leave the children alone.

Anonymous said...

Your motives for spreading misinformation are a very appropriate thing to discuss.

Anonymous said...

So if I say "Mark Cummings is a woman and I don't like her behavior" you would defend me calling you a woman and refering you as "her"?

Transitionradio said...

misinformation on whose account. I was born female bodied, I am a female, always will be, I am also two spirited, so being called a woman does not offend me one bit.

Transitionradio said...

Now please I am about to block your ability to write on this blog, I have better things to do than to keep responding to you, go away.

Anonymous said...

That doesn't answer the question. I'm not asking if it offend you or not. I'm asking if you would support somebody calling you a woman and her.
You're waffling. Which is it? Your blog says trans man on a mission, now you're saying you're two spirit. You said you were born female, then intersex, now back to female. Which one is it?

Transitionradio said...

Waffling? I answered you, I don't care how anyone refers me as, are you dense? I was born female body, do you read well or have a comprehension problem. I am intersex, transitioned to a more male appearance, but I identify as two spirit. Now what is your amazement and obsession with me? I already have a girl friend who will be my wife soon, so please go obsessed with someone else.