Hello Friends
It's been a while since I have blogged, and to tell you the truth there is so much to say, but I have not really been in the talking mood. I have pursued a spiritual path that has taught me to say less and be still. Sometimes we learn more this way. Well any way just wanted to wish all my transgender family a Happy Holiday, I will start making more trans videos and sharing with you my spiritual path.
I have stopped taking Testosterone for spiritual and health reasons and will most likely be making videos regarding this matter. I hope all of you are in a good place right now, in spite of our economy and world chaos. There are many things heading our way, which most of you are probably not very familiar with. You won't hear it on the news or on your local papers, but trust me when I say, something wicked this way comes.
Any how, stay safe this Holiday Season and let me know if there is anything in particular you want to know, I will make videos or just right a blog about it. My email markangelocummings@yahoo.com
For those of you who have not read my book yet, The Mirror Makes No Sense, you can purchase it directly on this site, it will safely take you to AuthorHouses' web page and you can order it there.
Much Love to you and yours
Mark Angelo Cummings
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