by Mark Angelo Cummings
Copyright 2006
My intentions are not to offend anyone or anything. I have created this system to help with the healing of our planet and of ourselves. After going through so much pain and suffering, battling with drug addictions, gender identity disorder, confusion, lack of parental love, and finally not finding the answer in any of the religious sectors, I decided to find the answer within myself, and to my surprise found that it was in me all along. I put this manual together, this system, in order to share my happiness, wisdom with those around me. This is not another religion or cultic belief. This is a system that will allow you to finally find the answers you have so desperately been searching for. I know I will be criticized and will create lots of controversy. But I am not worried to say the least. This is too real and too good of a thing to let it go to waste. Also, because I cherish everyone and everything around me, I want you to feel completeness as I do now.
I am not asking you to stop going to Church, or to stop believing in what you believe in. However, I do want you to take a really deep look within yourself, and ask yourself, " are you happy and complete with your world and surroundings?" We know the world is falling, there is death, destruction, and bigotry everywhere we turn. Our government is failing us, our medical system is falling apart, the diseases and destruction of the world are forever growing. We are in need of a massive healing, and my friends this will only happen if we all put our minds and hearts together. Forget what we have been taught, and lets create a change. I challenge you to take responsibility and learn this system, the system that will help you finally make the connection and realize that the answer lies within you. Connecting with one another, tapping into the Universe the higher power or force of energy is the only way to open up the channels to eternal happiness and peace.
My friends what will unfold before you will be amazing and life altering, I guarantee that your life will be changed forever, and you will help change the life of others. Welcome to your new world………
Man has always had the need to believe in a supreme being. Looking back at history there were many Gods which we created within our own minds. From idols we idolized, to the supernatural forces like the God of Thunder and The God of Love. This need was apparent throughout our history. I would say it's genetically fixed within our DNA. The desire to fabricate a leader, an entity which we can arbitrarily ask for forgiveness, which we can fear, and at the same time idolize, while validating our existence is more than apparent. Yet the truth of the matter, is that in reality the Godliness falls within each and everyone of us. Generally, we are all part of this divine light, this force that makes up every living atom within us. We fail to see that all we really need is to believe in ourselves and to balance out our energies, our good and evil sense, and redirect these energies in a way that will create positive changes within our world.
Instead, we have given the power to our ancestors who were delusional, filled with anger, hate and totally oppressed. These individuals had too much time on their hands, were plagued with syphilis and other venereal diseases which egocentrically had them write this controversial and inconsistent book which we call the Bible. If we take a closer look at some of the chapters in this book, which by the way claims, we were stripped of our perfection by Adam and Eve, and we were then sent to eternal death and shame, by those two souls who technically were born without sin. We then can clearly see that the Bible is inconsistent and confusing. At one hand they are saying that because the first couple of the world committed sin, we are all doomed to death and imperfection. Yet in another breath, they say that you will only be put to death for your own sins. In other words if a father commits a sin the son is not responsible for that sin, or vice versa. It says so in the scriptures. So which is it? How fair is this God of ours that would condemn the entire world by the actions of two individuals, who he claimed were perfect? Well you say he gave us his son so we can be cleansed from all sins. So what is the problem then? Why are we still harping on one another. If we are free from sin and nothing that we do will prevent us from entering the kingdom of God, why are we still condemning one another? Is God losing his mind, or does he change the rules along the way? I would bet that God had absolutely nothing to do with this worlds best seller, “The Bible”, and that men have yet again put their hands on something, and like always, totally messed it up. Can you imagine your father committing murder in Las Vegas and the police arresting you in Florida for your fathers crime? You were arrested for your fathers actions. It makes no sense to me now and it made no sense then, not to mention its not fair to say the least.
Don’t get me wrong, I believe in a greater force a higher entity, one that connects each and every one of us together, from the smallest ameba to the grand homo sapiens. Yet, I feel we have gone too far by making this entity almost human like, giving him characteristics that are obviously humanistic in nature, such as jealousy, anger, power hungry, etc. Further, wanting to control his actions and wishes in a way we see fit. Convenient I say. Let's look at our Churches, who by the way monopolize on Gods authority by making you bring in your 10% earnings, controlling your thoughts and actions, with guilt, and forcing you to believe what they want you to believe. Rather brilliant I say. Are we afraid of our own abilities, the fact that we can have our own direct connection to this deity himself which is part of us all? Why have we given our powers away to religious leaders who prey upon us with their guilt ridden ways and demands for our money? To make matters worse it sounds like the two most powerful forces, government and religion, are wanting to unite to have full and utmost control of us all. Divide and conquer.
Think about this, how many years have they been saying the world is coming to an end? So far we have survived the ice age, many plagues and reoccurring wars. Hello, there is no heaven or hell, there is no Armageddon. This is it. You get your one chance and one chance only , so make sure you make a difference while you are here. Yet, what are we doing? Making a mess of things if you ask me. I know our need to believe in something is important, so go ahead, believe what you must. But stop ramming your believes down our throats. Stop creating friction with others who disagree with your thought process and religious ways. Must you make others feel less than human who don’t fit in your idealistic world, or the delusional writers of the past? It’s obvious by now that religion has caused nothing but grief. Look around you, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that. Let's soften up a bit, lets change our tactics. Let's cultivate the good in all of us, without forcing things on people or using fear and guilt. Repeating verses like parrots from a poorly written novel is not the answer either. Just turn on your TV sets and see for yourself, does it look like it's working to you? Religion is nothing more than a man made thing to control, divide and conquer the world. God never intended it to be this way, he just is who he is, an energy force that has allowed you to make a mess of things. He gave you the power and knowledge to make it good or make it bad, yet, see what you have done with his gift. Learn that the answer lies within you. You and only you can make things right or wrong. The fear of there being nothing more than the now, has created life as we know it, and I for one am tired of living this lie. I don’t know if there is life after death, if we reincarnate and do it again. But I do know that we can't live our lives thinking of this after life and forget to live altogether here on earth. We search endlessly in life for the answers, and they are right before our very eyes. They lie within each and everyone of us. We are the only ones that can make a change. If we learn to love ourselves, find happiness, peace and comfort within ourselves, then we have mastered the grand scheme of things. We will then be able to cultivate a world without turmoil, hate, and power struggles. Planting one seed within ourselves, such as laughter, which is contagious, we can find all we need within our selves and finally learn to be free of every chain and vice we have ever encountered. Then and only then will you find true happiness. Then and only then will you be able to free your self from your own demons and finally find the angels in your heart.
An observation I have made, and please I mean no disrespect to any one, however take a look at this. Have you noticed that every religious person has turned to the scriptures, to religion because they hit rock bottom or bottom hit them. A person who had a drug vice, sexual addiction, or you name it, all of a sudden found Jesus. And boy they just can’t stop talking about him either, they want to save you and everyone else around them. They become obnoxious and ornery to say the least. "Look I'm happy", they are high on religion, but can’t they see its just another addiction? It’s a personality trait, one which these Churches love for you to have. These cultish types, the extremists, you know the ones, they blow themselves up to receive their 70 virgin wives for their actions, or how about the ones that condemn homosexuals and everyone else they can think of, in the name of their God. I don’t know how no one else sees this, but it’s pretty darn clear to me. The fear of one's self is what keeps you following these laws, you are afraid of your own self because you have not found the answers within you. So instead, you allow fear of a deity who will put you in hell, if you don’t do what he says. Wow, its scary, to think we actually believe in all this. We also used to burn people and hang them from trees. I believe we called them Witches. Oh by the way, what happened to them, did we manage to kill them all? Also, at one point didn’t we believed the world was flat? Look, all I am saying is let's heal ourselves. If we want religion or we want to believe in something that’s fine, just take a little responsibility for your actions and stop having temper tantrums when others don’t do it your way. Learn to find the truth within your self and let's try to make the world a better place.
Can some one please tell the Muslims there are no virgins waiting for them after the bombings, and the Jews, that God won't strike you dead if you go out on Saturdays or eat pork. To all others, please know that the Bible was written by controlling men, so its bound to have loads of errors and manipulative passages. So please don’t take it seriously, it’s a scary fairy tale with many stories, but not a rule book to follow. Life is too short, and you only have one life to live, live and be well.
Now, I have no intentions on ridiculing anyone or anything. I respect everyone’s belief system and whatever they need to make it through the day. I do however, have a system, not a religion, to help people realize that everything and anything they have been looking for is within them. I want to help you reach the ultimate balance that will allow you to feel happiness no matter where you are in your spiritual plane. My quest is for everyone to feel whole and complete in order to create peace within themselves and help spread it on earth. I will have you take a look at what religion has done to us and make an intelligent decision as to what steps you have to take to improve our lives on this planet. This book is intended to create awareness, I am not recruiting, mocking or attempting to change anyone’s mind. I am just creating another choice in life. We will start with a few exercises or activities to help you learn more about yourself, balance out certain behaviors, and finally reach a point in your life where you can feel grounded and free from external forces that make you dependent and keep you in turmoil. Once again, this is not a religion, this is a system to help you find yourself. A new way of life that hopefully will catch on and finally create a better world. What do we have to lose, or better yet, what are the alternatives? The old ways have failed us, time and time again.
How to find the answers within:
1) You will get to know the true you, the person that you are, not who your parents wanted you to be, or those around you. Very few people really know who they are or what they want. Part of your first assignment is to learn everything you can about yourself. You will begin a journal, in which you will have conversations with yourself. Pretend you are trying to impress a date, your future spouse, so you want to learn everything and anything about this person. This person of course is you. I can bet that you don’t even know what you like, dislike, what makes you happy or sad. The majority of people go through life like robots, barely stopping to smell the roses and learning what makes them tick.
Who are you?____________________________________________________
What do you like?_________________________________________________
What do you dislike?_________________________________________________
2) You will allow yourself to have fun, allow your inner child to be. Even if this means eating sugar, drinking alcohol, you name it, you can do it. After a while, you will realize that the love of these “sinful” indulges aren’t as great as you once thought. The fact that you are not allowed to have them, makes you want them even more. But when there are no rules or guilt, then they don’t seem as appealing. Learn to balance your needs, and learn what your body likes and dislikes.
What are your pleasures?__________________________________________
What makes you feel guilt?_________________________________________
How do you feel when you indulge in?___________,____________,_______
What are you not allowed to have or do?_____________________________
Allow yourself to do or have what you are not suppose to and write what you feel after indulging.
Meditate and think about your choices. How do you feel? How does your body respond to it? Is your health jeopardized by it? Do you harm someone by engaging in the activity? Reflect and write:
3) Give yourself Unconditional Love. Stop calling yourself names, stop being so hard on yourself. Nurture yourself, give yourself constant praise. Everyday you will repeat these verse: “I am the most perfect human being around. I cannot make mistakes, no matter what I do it will always be right. I love myself more than I love anyone else on earth and heaven. I am a true work of art. I am worthy of happiness and all good things.” Although it may sound corny, please humor me, and do this everyday for at least 10 minutes a day. Repeating it like a mantra.
4) Learn the art of visualization. If you want a beautiful wife, imagine what she would look like. The perfect mate, the person you will spend the rest of your life with. Visualize her, you can sense her, taste her, imagine her every being, until she will materialize before you eyes. Every personality trait, every curve of her body, see it and you will have it. This assignment is not only for wives or husbands, it's for anything and everything you want.
5) Everyday make it a point to do a good deed. Do not let one day go by without doing something to help someone or something. Volunteer your time at a nursing home, help the children in Africa by sending a donation. Whatever it may be to set the motion of goodness throughout the world.
What are the problems of the world?_________________________________
How can you help solve them?______________________________________
My daily good deeds are? Mon________________________________
6) Whenever you have the urge to indulge in an activity that will harm you or someone else, take the time to figure out where these emotions or urges come from. Are you feeling lonely, scared, tired or upset? Take out your journal and write down your emotions, then sort them out. Do you feel jealous, greed, or the need to have power? Find the true root of these emotions and redirect them with your clear side. Remember I mentioned that we all have good and evil inside, we just need to redirect the energies. If you have an urge to cheat on your wife for instance, or pig out on chocolate, there is something you are lacking and you need to find out what it is. Reprogramming yourself by repeating the mantras, or digging up something you missed on the first assignment where you learned about yourself. As long as the urge that you have will not harm anyone, including yourself, don’t feel guilty or deprive yourself from doing it. But when it infringes on someone else’s rights then you have to learn to redirect the actions or thought process to balance out things.
What are you feeling?_____________________________________________
What are your emotions?__________________________________________
Are you hurting someone or yourself by this?________________________________
Where do these negative emotions come from and what do they mean?
POWER: Many people over time have had the need to feel in control, such as Hitler, Castro, and Alexander the Great, it’s an emotion or need we have deep within us which normally stems from our childhood. If we had domineering parents and were not allowed to make our own decisions, this could have led us to need power as an adult. As we get older we might find the need to be in control, or it could be the other way around. I am not here to psychoanalyze you. But you will find out why you have that need by doing several activities. Go back in time, and remember how you felt on certain occasions. Did you feel in control or out of it? Do you have the need now to feel power and be domineering? Ask yourself why. Role play if you have to. Learn what is it that makes you feel so empowering about power, why it drives you to have the need to be in control. Allow yourself to lose control, to let others tell you what to do. Feel safe and eliminate fear, that in itself is pretty empowering and might be the answer to your dilemma.
When was the first time you felt power?________________________________________________________________
When did you feel loss of power?_________________________________________
What is it about power that you like or dislike?_______________________________
JEALOUSY: This feeling usually stems from insecurity, the need to have what someone else has. A feeling that nothing is ever enough. Go back to your younger years and see were you learned this behavior. Work through those times, resolve the turmoil. By learning that your wife, girlfriend, significant other, will not leave you for someone else because you are more than enough, you will not allow those insecurities to enter your heart. Be all you can be for this person, to the point where you know they will never receive the love you give them from someone else. This security factor will allow you to be free and happy with what you have, and never wish you had more than others.
What makes you feel jealous?______________________________________
What do you feel inside?_______________________________________________
What does your significant other like or dislike?_______________________________
Are you being all you can be?____________________________________________
ANGER: This emotion can be good or bad, it all depends on how you direct it and channel it. One should feel anger every now and then, but use it for the good of mankind, not to harm anyone. Just as all the other emotions we feel, it's a matter of balance and direction. We usually feel angry when we don’t get what we want or when someone over steps our boundaries. Learn to see what makes you mad, what triggers the beast within, and learn to tame it or redirect it.
What makes you angry?___________________________________________
What do you feel inside?___________________________________________
What can you do to redirect this feeling? Brainstorm___________________________
All our feelings stem from energy, a source that can be channeled in many ways. The key is to learn to channel them in a positive format one that will contribute to good things on earth. Never deny yourself a feeling just channel it in the proper direction.
FEAR: What is that saying, "There is nothing to fear but fear itself." Well it's true. Why are we allowing this feeling to limit our life? Fear is used to control mankind. From the time we start to walk, our parents use fear to keep us away from things. The boogie man will get you, your nose will grow if you lie, you will burn in hell if you don’t go to Church. You know the lines. We were all fed them at one time or another. Fear is a very damaging emotion. It can paralyze you and keep you in a relationship, it can hinder your progress, and most of all it makes you a prisoner of yourself.
What do you fear?___________________________________________________
Why? Who taught you this emotion?_______________________________________
How can you change this programming? Brainstorm____________________________
HATE: A feeling that can actually make people hurt you is a feeling that can destroy a nation. This feeling is taught at a very young age. Hate is conditional and without a doubt disturbing. Within the family of negative energies, hate can be mixed with other emotions such as fear and anger. All three put together start Wars. But we can take this negative emotion and turn it into something positive. For instance, hate the fear inside your heart, and will it away, or better yet confront it. By highly disliking an emotion, you can use another emotion to redirect it in another form. Hate the situation you are in enough to create change. If you hate someone so badly, confront them, and learn why you feel this emotion. Redirect the feeling and from hate will blossom love.
Do you hate someone or something?_____________________________________
Why? __________________________________________________________
Is it worth your energy to hate someone or something?_________________________
Can you change or redirect this feeling? Brainstorm____________________________
Emotions are interchangeable, they are a source of energy which can be altered through time. Just like molecular activities can change from one thing to another, emotions can too. The key is learning how to manipulate them and alter their existence.
LOVE: The master emotion is love. This feeling has created much commotion in our world. Romeo and Juliet is the classic love story that has brought tears to our eyes. Love can conquer all, or can it. What is love? We claim to love our parents, our spouse, our God. But have we mastered self love? I believe until a person learns to give his or herself this gift of self love, then he or she cannot claim to love at all. Here is were our problem lies. The fact that we do not honor or love ourselves creates the vicious cycle we live in.
When was the first time you felt this emotion?_________________________
Do you feel this for yourself as you have for others?____________________________
If not, why?________________________________________________________
GUILT: Yes guilt, I know this one well. The world functions daily on this emotion. Your parents, the Church, your friends and co workers all use this emotion to get their way. Were does this swine come from? I will bet that the Church is responsible for inventing this one. This emotion keeps women from enjoying their bodies and sensuality. This emotion keeps the husband from having a fulfilled sexual encounter with the mother of his child. This emotion makes you give the tidings to your church, makes you confess your sins to your priest. I could probably write a book just on this emotion alone. But I will not, since I do not honor this feeling and refuse to make it the star of my book. I will however show you how to get rid of this emotion and trash it once and for all. I have no use for this one, and redirecting it can only lead to trouble.
We need to learn how all the above emotions interplay with one another, How they are so much alike in the molecular sense of things. Later in the book you will have activities to do that will help you master and conquer the feelings you have lost control of in your life.
When was the first time you felt this emotion?_______________________________
Is it productive for you?_______________________________________________
How can you change this feeling or remove it all together? Brainstorm_______________
When was your first encounter with Religion? Was it in Sunday school? Or was it with your parents at the dinner table as they taught you to say grace? We all have our own unique stories to tell and our own first hand experiences to share of our Lord and Savior. This is a unique experience because of the different types of beliefs and religions. This is something that is totally absurd to me, since there is only one God. My first experience came from my grandmother, she was the first person to introduce God into my life. But I was not allowed to pray in public, it was considered wrong in my native land Cuba. Communists do not allow you the freedom of speech nor of religion. However, this did not stop my grandmother or others like her. Their need to be close to God was greater than the fear of death. So underground they went preaching and praising their Lord, Jehovah. I was too young to understand the ramifications of what we were doing. I just enjoyed the attention I got from the congregation. One thing I do remember was the joy people got when they entered their church. It was like a high, like a drug addiction. The ritual or greeting was very much part of the whole ordeal. I can remember my retarded uncle shaking hands with all the attendees. The smile on his face was priceless, he got to socialize and have human contact. My grandmother, god rest her soul, became so engrossed with her religion after the death of my grandfather, that her whole life purpose was the Church. If you look around you, most people, that’s all they have is the Church. One passion for another. One addiction for another. This is very much a human characteristic. One which people become offended by if you question it.
Now, once again, I am not putting anyone down, it's just an observation that clearly demonstrates a humanistic trait. Nothing wrong with it, it's just what we do. Now, getting back to Grandma and the Jehovah Witness thing. I was raised on this religion, a religion that does not allow you to celebrate birthdays, Christmas, heck, nothing for that matter, except for the last supper of Christ. You could not receive a blood transfusion even if your life depended on it. For crying out loud this to me is committing murder. They claim their Bible tells them it’s a sin to receive the blood of others. If your son or daughter was in need of a blood transfusion or else they would die, would you not give them that transfusion? My point is, if something or someone is doing harm to someone you love, are you going to honor and respect that person or belief system? There comes a time when you have to use your common sense and make a decision. You can’t let some doctrine or law book lead your life and choices, especially if it's harming you or someone you love. You have to take full responsibility for your own actions and stop placing them on someone or something else. The Devil did not make you do it, and God is not asking you to do anything. Energy is just energy and it flows through out the passage of time. You can’t control it or limit it. My belief of God is that he is the Universe, an endless supply of energy, molecular components that are part of everything and time. Religion does not teach you this, because like the pharmaceutical companies they cannot bottle what occurs naturally. So too, the Church can’t sell you the idea that God flows from the trees, earth and universe, or that the energy is forever changing and moving, and does not have a face or an agenda. That he does not condemn nor judge, all it wants is balance and harmony for us all. The key is to learn the dance of the universe, keeping it forever flowing in harmony.
After a while, as I got older and was able to think for myself, I knew then and there that the Jehovah Witness religion was not the religion for me. Heck after trying a dozen or so of them I learned none of them where right for me. I am a spiritual person, and believe in a higher power, an energy source. I just refuse to put a face and human emotions on it like most religions do. To me it seems we spend half our lives looking and searching for something or someone. It can be that perfect spouse, house, car, career, or Church. Endlessly we go round and round in circles trying to find perfection. Well guess what, it doesn’t exist. You can create balance and harmony within yourself and learn to accept your surroundings, but perfection is nonexistent in our world. Why do I say this? Well, first of all everyone’s view of perfection is different, therefore we are dealing with a subjective matter. If we eliminate guidelines and characteristics that we consider favorable or ideal, we would therefore expect nothing and won’t be disappointed in the long run. What I am getting at is, if we don’t look for perfection in things, which is the whole genre of religion, we won’t set ourselves up for failure. We are who we are, the word perfect is subjective, therefore, subject to change as has the Bible. Originally written in Greek, then translated and altered to our language at our convenience.
We expect our God to have certain traits, therefore, the writers of the Bible, gave us those expectations in writing. We expect our God to be powerful, jealous, angry and loving. We also expect our deity to make us feel certain emotions such as guilt, fear and remorse. So since we as humans feel all of the above, we want our God to have these feelings so we can relate to him. If you look at an infant and observe his or her actions, you will learn that they have no guilt, fear, shame or hate. They are programmed to laugh, cry, and give affection. The other stuff we teach them as they evolve. What does that tell you, that we humans have created a series of negative emotions all of which stem from energy wrongly directed. Like fire, a beautiful, yet deadly element, it can be used for good or bad. As everything and anything in life can. There is a dark and bright side to everything. You can direct any energy in a good way or a bad way. Fire can kill or save you. For example, on a cold winter night, a barn fire or fire place can bring warmth to your soul and body and save you from hyperthermia. That same fire can erupt throughout your house and not only strip you of your earthly possessions, but it can burn you and suffocate you to death. Same element, directed in a different form can mean life or death. So what I am getting at is the need to have a deity, religion or spirituality in our life can save us or kill us. As proven throughout history, religion has been the death of nations, has brought people together as well as it has torn them apart.
Who is this higher power that we know so little of? We claim to feel him, honor him, fear him and need him. Yet no one, I mean no one has ever seen him. Okay, so one verse of the Bible says Moses saw God in the form of a burning bush. Could it be he was dehydrated and delusional and instead just stumbled upon a burning bush? Heck, I don’t know, but I do know the Bible also contradicts that verse with another verse which says, no one has ever seen the face of God. Who knows if anyone has or not, heck, who cares. If this deity wanted us to see him, I figure by now he would have made various appearances. You would think by now with all the destruction, death and uncertainties we have on earth, he would have the heart to make himself seen or heard. Just to tell us how off we are on the whole religion thing, or how stupid and childish we are being by killing one another in his name. A little help here would be nice. There are too many religions, too many rules, and a hell of a lot of problems. Yet God, Jehovah, whatever you want to call him is nowhere to be found. We are so busy monopolizing him, building Churches, creating religions, separating nations and killing each other, that we fail to see that this deity is not what we think it is. We need to redirect the energy within us so we can save our planet and ourselves. There is no anti Christ, no Armageddon, no coming of anything, and about the Messiah, yeah, keep waiting. Once again, I repeat myself, the answer lies within you. Everything you need is deep within your soul. Your salvation, your happiness and the balance of the energies that run this universe is all inside you. You and you alone can save the world, find happiness, feel complete, and do what you well please. The external stuff was put there by mankind. You however, are entitled to believe what you want, I am not trying to break your spirit or confuse you for that matter. Unlike organized religion which uses that tactic to get their way, I am simply creating awareness of what you as an individual possess. You have the power within to move mountains and create a change. You will not burn in hell, or for that matter be sent to heaven for your actions. Everything you do will affect you here on earth. For every action there is a reaction, Newton’s Law. But it's definitely not about a bearded man on a thrown judging your actions. It's about the law of the universe, about karma, about mankind.
If you were to think about how many different versions of the Bible there are, your head would spin with confusion, especially if you were to try to decipher it all. Think for just one moment, forget what you’ve been taught, what you believe in, who out of all the religious beliefs is right? The Muslims, are they wrong for believing they will have 70 beautiful virgins waiting for them in heaven? How about the Jehovah Witnesses, are they wrong for believing Christ did not die on a Cross, or that he was not born on Christmas day? Are they wrong to not allow you to celebrate birthdays or receive a blood transfusion if you were in the brink of death? How about the Jews, are they wrong for not believing in Christ, and still waiting for the Messiah? Let's see, the Buddhists for believing in Buddha and not believing the traditional Catholic or Christian ways, are they to burn in hell for their beliefs? I could go on and on. There are so many different belief systems, one contradicting another. All claming to be the chosen ones, monopolizing God. This confusion is what has led me to believe that there is a universe, a mighty electrical energy source, a deity which has no name, no agenda, but just simply is who it is. We are the ones in search of answers that have created all the confusion and variety in the menu of beliefs. Since we can’t know for sure who is right and who is wrong, can we stop fighting one another, creating wars, hatred, and separations amongst nations because of it? Can we stop being cruel and bigots towards people that are different from us, that have different beliefs, life styles, sexual preferences, and Gender Identity issues?
We need to find peace within, so that we can spread it throughout the universe. We, need to finally realize that what we have been doing is not working, so its definitely time for a change. It won’t be easy to undo what has been done, reprogram what has been programmed. But it can be done, we can change things, one step at a time, one person at a time. Let's make a better place for future generations, because if we don’t, they will not have a world to live in. It won’t be God destroying it either, it will be us. We will die from our own hands, our own doings. We blame everything on him, and we are the ones doing it to ourselves. I sometimes sit back and observe and cannot believe what I see. We act like children, spoiled rotten children. We have no manners, no regard for anyone but ourselves. We keep plugging along, forgetting about the other guy, and only thinking of one thing, ourselves. I want you to love yourself, but not be self centered, not be oblivious to your surroundings. I want you to take care of your temple, but help others take care of theirs. It’s a team effort, all for one and one for all. The good of mankind, no matter what color, race, gender, or sexual preferences we have, we need to evolve together. We need to take care of each other, and we can do this by balancing the energy within, by learning what makes each and everyone of us tick. Combining our voices, our passions, our energies into one, for the betterment of our planet, it’s the only way we will reach harmony and peace throughout the Land.
What is the typical scenario that we see in our world today? One country bombing another to gain territory or because they don’t agree on each others' religious beliefs. One country claiming to help another by forcing them into democracy, all the while, causing death and destruction of young children, women and soldiers. Dictators starving a country all to prove that they have the power and authority to rule and be worshipped. Religious groups slathering and boycotting companies because they don’t do what the group wants them too. Other groups making life impossible and unbearable for those of us who do not practice their sexual preference or see things their way. Constantly this churning turmoil takes place day after day, with no reprieve in sight. It becomes overwhelming and exhausting to say the least. These opposing forces and mental anguishes release chemicals and molecules that create weather disturbances, diseases and over all destruction. Think for one moment, why do you think there is so much commotion in our world? We are creating it. It's our own doing, our own actions.
What happens when you throw a rock in a pond? You see ripples. This same effect occurs when we yell, scream or raise our voices. There is a ripple effect in the universe. Sound carries waves, so do thought processes, and negative feelings. All being sent out to the universe. Energy is not stagnate, its flows and changes directions as do currents. We are made up of molecular energies and directly connected to everything and everyone on earth. When people think, these thought processes create images which turn to molecular energy and motion sent out to the universe as energy, be it negative or positive in nature. When we think of something, let's say, we think we want a new car or a new job, we have placed in the universe a reaction of sorts that can materialize through time. Okay I know you are thinking, "this guy is nuts", I don’t care how much I think about winning a million dollars, it just won't happen. Well, guess what, of course it won’t because you just negated it the thought. When you think and confirm or affirm your thought process and really believe in it, it will happen. It takes time to learn these visualization skills, but trust me when I tell you, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. The mind is very powerful, its interconnected with the universe, and what we believe to be true will be true. When you pray, do you really think there is a man upstairs jotting down your prayers and making them happen. I don’t care how much of a deity he is, there is no way on earth, one single person can answer everyone’s prayers. No, I don’t want to hear he has little helpers like Santa either. Angels are a lovely thought, and make us feel warm and fuzzy, but it just doesn’t jive with our day and age. We do however, have the power of suggestion, mind over matter, and the ability to control our world with our thought process. Thinking creates motion and activities. Molecular combustion that changes matter and plains. Very Sci-fi I know, but that’s how it happens. Miracles are warm and fuzzy too, but once again, fairy talish in nature.
I know I am taking away all the fun and illusion, but isn’t better to rely on yourself, on the energy force that you posses to create your existence. To manipulate your world and surroundings rather than sitting back and hoping for the best, or better yet, praying for the best. I know I will get grief from every organized religious group for teaching or saying these things. Look at poor Tom Cruise, how he was criticized for telling Brooke Shields that she did not need to take medication to rid herself of depression. Well I believe Mr. Cruise, because like him, I believe we are the master of our universe. That we possess the ability to change things and create our destiny, from healing ourselves, to making ourselves sick. But you know, most of you don’t want to hear that, nor do the pharmaceutical companies. You'd rather blame something on someone, or give up your power to something. Oh and let's not forget, get cured by medication. Your body has the ability to heal itself, If you only provide it with an optimal environment and positive mind frame.
Try this experiment for yourself. Think that you will catch a cold, that you will feel very sick and feverish if you get wet and stand under a fan. I guarantee you will feel a sore throat in no time at all. Now, will yourself not to get sick, no matter what you do, whether you stand under a fan, or stand next to someone with pneumonia, and you will not experience any ailments whatsoever. The power of suggestion is very powerful, the abilities you have are endless. We have been taught to be dependent and weak from the moment we were born. The system teaches us to be followers not leaders, fearful, not brave. Reliant on medication, doctors and others, instead of learning to be self sufficient, strong, brave and healthy, it’s a shame, a waste of productivity. What a stronger nation we would be, if instead of weakening our own, we would strengthen them and have a more powerful nation. Instead we break peoples' spirit by limiting them and keeping them working for the minimum wage. Keeping them incarcerated for committing crimes, which were led by frustration and desperation at one point and time of their life. We are born into poverty, limitations and boundaries set by our society and government. The illusion that you can better yourself and reach the top is just that, an illusion. Like a hamster in a cage going round and round on the wheel we go hoping we will get somewhere, someday. It's all a lie, a big joke, those of us who see beyond the system know better.
So how does religion play in all this? Well if they keep you scared and tamed, you will do what they tell you. You will play along with their little game, be a good little listener and cause no waves. Question not, do as I say, and you won’t get hurt. If you rebel or insist on beating the system, you will either land in jail, be put in a mental institution, or be known as an outcast. Oh and don’t forget, you will burn in hell. Well, I am not afraid, I have been speaking my mind since I can remember. I have no need to commit a crime, therefore, I should not land in jail. I hope not to piss anyone off too badly, to the point were they will institutionalize me, or attempt a hate crime against me. I do however hope to create awareness and change, and do something to make this world of ours a better place. For every action there is a reaction, and sometimes it takes someone like me with a little cohunes to make a change.
It's human nature to disagree. I can clearly see this, it's within our makeup. So how do we stop this from happening and disturbing the harmony of nature? Let's see, we agree to disagree, we can compromise with each other. A little give and take might be the solution. We stop the power struggle, the greed, the jealousy and the overall childish behavior. If you have kids, observe them, watch them play. They don’t play so nice do they? Before you know it right before your very eyes, your child is screaming because he or she does not want to share his or her toy. They start to hit each other, pull each others hair, call each other names. You name it, they get at it. Well that same behavior is what we see in the adult world. We call each other names, we hit each other, maybe bomb each other, ridicule, deceive, you name it we do it. So what has changed since then? Not much, except the fact that we do more harm now as an adult, than we did when we were children. So let's back up, what did we do when our children weren’t playing so nice? We put them in time out, we taught them to share, we explained to them that it wasn’t nice to hit their friends or call them names. So why don’t we practice what we preach? Why is it so difficult to get along now as adults? We need to step back, take a breath, observe and analyze the situation. Do not act in haste or in desperation, be calm, and think, so we can make a rational decision. Learn to give and take, learn to compromise, one day for you, one day for me. Little by little we can heal the world, heal each other, without depending on an deity for the answers or solutions. I really feel that if we take responsibility it can happen.
Start with yourself, how can you have a better relationship with you. When was the last time you did something nice for yourself? Took the time to praise yourself or give yourself a gift? We spend our lives pleasing others, working and being productive. But do we ever take the time to give ourselves some tender loving care? I doubt it. The answer lies within, once we learn to love, honor and respect ourselves, it becomes second nature to provide that same courtesy to others. It will take time for you to establish a great relationship with yourself since you have been taught to place your energies on others, to include a supreme being. We have been taught to be second, and everything and everyone else, first. Your children, your job, your spouse, your responsibilities, your deity, and if there is anytime left, then and only then can you focus on you. Somehow that seems out of balance and totally absurd. But I, after many years of doing the same thing, making other people happy, finally realized that the only way to true happiness was to find myself.
I am not asking anyone to be selfish, or to forget about others. But I guarantee you that once you start to focus on you and cultivate a relationship with yourself, everything else will fall into place. Once again the verse fits well, where there is action there will be a reaction. When you love yourself and honor yourself, it spills over to worldly love and healing. Let's look at what we have in our world today. People love and pray to their God, they go to church, give their tidings, argue amongst each other. Why? Because they don’t believe in each others' ways or particular religious beliefs. So this creates wars, bigotry, separations, friction, and all sorts of catastrophes, a vicious cycle which we have had since the beginning of time. I propose to change our old ways, mind you it won’t be easy because we are creatures of habit and very reluctant to change. However, what is the alternative? Instead let's begin a new beginning, a new way of life.
I invite you to take the challenge to learn this system, one on which I have worked diligently to be able to share with you. It won’t take your first born, you won’t have to fast, or bring me any offerings, you will however, learn to love and honor yourself.
I am not oblivious to the needs of the Church such as their utilities, their overhead and personnel. Its fair game that a Church can’t run on the holy spirit alone. However, you and I both know that the monies collected do not always go where they need to go, but that’s beside the point. Religion is a mega business, we have known this since the beginning of time, and that’s cool, people need to make a living. My objective or message if you will is not to turn you or anyone into an atheist or to get anyone to stop believing in whatever it is that gets them through their day. My objective is to create an awareness of self actualization, self healing, and have people realize that the answer lies within themselves. We look at God as a deity, a greater being, one which we feel has power to move mountains and change things. But in reality the way I look at God is as a source of energy. Let's call it the Universe, which we as receptors can tap into and receive much good and healing. Now as receptors we are the ones responsible to create action, as in with every action there is a reaction. We need to establish a ground, a base within ourselves to make things happen. We need to balance our yin and yang, our good side and bad side, and cultivate unconditional love within our anatomical space. We instead look for this love, this healing in outside sources, i.e.: alcohol, drugs, sex, relationships, religion, on and on.
If I were a God, would I want people to be dependent on me, worship me? Or would I want people to be self sufficient and learn to love and worship themselves so they could be productive and happy? You see it's a human trait to want to be worshiped and honored, just like Hitler, Castro, and all the Kings and Queens of the world have at one point and time in history. So we have humanized God and made ourselves think that, that is what he wants. Offerings, sacrifices, you name it, just open up the Old Testament and read with your hearts content. Like in the old days when we would bring animals as offerings or give Him our first born. The church feels we need to offer God something. The difference now is the Church wants your money, your time, they really don’t have much use for dead animals or corpses. For crying out loud, why would God, want our first born or a dead animal? Think about it, what is the purpose, except blood shed and destruction, which is a human trait. God is not human, therefore he does not have human traits or desires. What, to prove to him we love and honor him? He is God! He knows it all, he can read your mind, he knows if you love him or not. “ Hey Lord here is my offering, this is Timmy my first born. I have two others, just let me know if you want more.” Come on people are we for real? Its archaic, there is no holiness about it. The sooner we learn this the better. Why did Jesus have to die on the cross to save us from our sins? Why does there have to be violence, blood shed and destruction to prove there is love? What does that solve? What do we learn from that, except more violence, more blood shed, as we are seeing now in the Middle East. They are playing bomb tennis, tit for tat. The time is now we need a change, we need to learn that the answer lies within. No sacrifices, no more blood shed. Let's preach love, happiness, balance, healing, togetherness, and over all unity once and for all. Religion does not provide this my friend. We think it does, but have you looked around lately, or for that matter, back in history? Religion has only brought death, blood, destruction, hate, separation, and loads of bigotry.
We need to heal within, we need to change our ways, and praying to a higher deity is not the answer. He has stopped listening because we don’t get it. The answer lies within every single one of us. We need to make a change, we need to take charge, we need to learn to balance our inner forces and unite. Maybe when we finally get it together, he will take us seriously, then and only then will all connections be made, and father and child will finally communicate.
Have you noticed the communication between God and you is one sided. Have you ever wondered why? You pray, you talk, but God never replies. Why is our God none verbal? Did God speak to Adam and Eve? According to the Bible he did. He told them the rules, yet another human trait, and once they broke the rules, he let them know they blew it and now were doomed to death. Okay, something is not right here. He spoke to them, got pissed, and now he is forever silent. Why? Am I the only person on earth that takes the time to analyze things? Why did God have to play games and have rules, particularly a tree that we were not allowed to eat from? Oh, then, let's play the dirty card and have the “Devil” entice us, so we can break the rules and eat from the only tree on earth we weren’t allowed to eat from. So now we can be punished and doomed forever? Only in a fairy tale. The two first people ever, his creation, his pride and joy, all of a sudden he will test them for their loyalty, and of course, conveniently they screwed up. Do you do that to your sons and daughters? Set up a trap so they can fail, wanting to know if they Love and Honor you. Do you get off on that power trip? Well I am sure some of you will probably answer yes, but again, that is a human trait, not something a deity would do.
I am not trying to be sacreligious or impossible, I have just thought about all these things, hard and long. I have watched my grandmother send herself to the grave preaching and pounding religion on other people early Sunday mornings. I have seen what the extremists are doing to create separation and hate amongst those that do not follow the law of the land. I just cannot get it, or understand for that matter the logistic of the whole thing. It’s a power struggle, a game to say the least. Religion is controlling, tears your spirit down, makes you feel guilty and terrible about yourself. The only time you feel worthy is if you follow the rules, the strict, non flexible and ridiculous rules. Take a look at the Old Testament and you will know what I mean. It makes no sense, no rhyme or reason, definitely does not fit in our world today. So you say that is why we have the New Testament. How convenient, we changed the rules along the way, picked and chose what we felt was convenient or what we liked. I don’t think so, I don’t buy into it. The Bible is very controversial, and inconsistent with its verses. I refuse to follow a book that was written by individuals who were repressed, all for slavery, genocides, and the oppression of women.
I am for trying to create a connection with the celestial being, the universe. I refuse to have a broker take any part in my relationship with this deity. I do however wish that we can all connect as one and establish the most beautiful connection ever with the celestial one. I believe if we unite in an open field, holding hands, singing songs, after finally finding the answer within, then and only then will we hear, see and feel our deity. Our Celestial being is in the air, in the trees, in the grass, in everyone of us. When we unite and spark the connection within, we will be blessed and receive the force that we have so desperately been searching for.
So by now you are probably totally curious and ready to learn to make these connections. To learn how to master the balance of the energy source that runs through our veins. To be able to redirect the feelings that overcome us, and be once and for all the master of our universe. The assignments in the beginning of the book should be done for a good two weeks before you attempt the alignment and the establishment of the connections.
You must be relaxed and free from anger when executing the alignment and connection exercises. This will be an awakening, an altering life experience, a cleansing of toxins from your soul. This experience will be like no other, without the need of outside stimulus or chemicals that alter your central nervous system or any of your anatomical space.
For starters you will need your journal. I want you to close your eyes, sit in a comfortable position and remove all stimuli and thought process. You will maintain this unwinding position for the next 3 minutes or so. Focus on your breathing and heart beat. Now open your eyes, open up your journal and write the first word that comes to your mind. Everyone will have a different word, obviously we all have a different thought process and are all located in different realms of our journey.
Take that word and repeat it. Lets' say your word was heart. You will say this word in different realms of emotions. For instance, we have different voices attached to different emotions. You will use all your voices and emotions in repetition with the word you wrote. The focus is to learn that every emotion is interchangeable and interconnects, except for guilt.
Begin repeating the word you wrote 30 seconds per realm of emotions, there are 7 of them as follows:
Power: (repeat your word with your authoritative voice; as if you were Alexander the Great.)
Jealousy: (repeat your word with an insecure jealous tone; think of the emotion as your repeat the word)
Anger: ( repeat your word with the tone of voice that depicts anger and rage; think of something that will elicit this emotion as you repeat your word)
Fear: ( repeat your word with the tone of voice that demonstrates this emotion and think of a situation that will create fear while you repeat this word)
Hate: ( repeat your word with the tone of voice that elicits this emotion )
Love: ( repeat your word as you think of a time or a person with whom you felt this emotion )
Guilt: ( repeat your word with this emotion as you recall a time in your life you felt this )
After this activity you will be mentally drained and exhausted. Some of you might have cried, or even surfaced some old memories which you might need to work on. If you find this, repeat this activity another day before moving forward. If however you feel energized as if you just conquered the world, you are ready to move onward.
You can take several words or person's names and situations and repeat as you did above to elicit emotions and work through situations from the past. By saying things out loud and allowing your emotions to run freely without anyone judging or inhibiting you or feeling them, it will do you a world of good, and allow you to work through them. Always have your journal with you so you can jot down your feelings and responses.
Visualization of the 7 emotional realms
Power: you will pretend you are a king or queen. I want you to role play and visualize you as King Henry or Queen Elizabeth, whomever you wish to portray. Feel powerful, say powerful things, create scenarios in your mind how you would lead a country or a nation. Feel this feeling, be it, live it, breath it. You are power. Repeat to yourself, I ( your name) am the leader of the United States of America, or wherever you want to be leader of. I have the ability to make any changes in people's lives. Give a message to your people as if you were addressing your country. Now remember this feeling, taste it, own it. (Write down in your journal how you feel, and remember how to elicit this feeling again if you ever needed it.)
How do you feel?____________________________________________________
Jealousy: you will elicit this feeling by visualizing your loved one being with someone else. You just walked in on your spouse and they were cheating on you. Play out the scenario, scream, shout, say what your heart is telling you. Own the feeling, embrace it. Allow yourself to fully engulf this emotion without worries or guilt. You are the master of your emotions and your universe. (write down in your journal how you feel, and remember how to elicit this feeling again. ) You can also elicit jealousy of an object that you want and someone else has, but because of lack of funds you can't afford it.
How do you feel?____________________________________________________
Anger: you will role play to elicit this emotional response. If need be go back to a situation that you can recall were you felt anger, total rage. Talk loud, say what you feel, express your anger without regrets. (Jot down how you feel after the activity and recall the emotion what did you do to elicit the response?)
How do you feel?_________________________________________________
Fear : visualize yourself in a situation that will create the most fearful response from you. Own it, taste it , see the fear in you eyes. Scream, shake, whatever it takes to really engulf yourself with this emotion.
( Journal how you felt and remember what you did to elicit this response.)
How do you feel?_________________________________________________
Hate: go back in time where you encountered this emotion, or maybe it's now that you feel this way toward someone or something. Role play and express this emotion through words or body language. Feel it, own it, taste it, then write in your journal, how you feel and remember how to elicit it.
How do you feel?_________________________________________________
Love : role play with this emotion, savor the moment, that first love, that first encounter, the essence of his or her smell, the passion you felt. Or it can be love for your parents, son or daughter. The first time you held them in your hands as they were born. Embrace this beautiful emotion, feel it, own it, engulf it. Let it flow through your veins and pumping heart. Write down in your journal what you are feeling and remember it so you can elicit it on demand.
How do you feel?_________________________________________________
Guilt: my least favorite of all emotions. Role play a situation when you experienced this feeling. Were you caught lying, did you steal something? Whatever it was that later on produced the feeling of guilt, I want you to visualize and elicit the feeling. Taste it, own it, let it embrace your every being. Remember it so you can elicit it in the future. Write down what you felt after the activity.
How do you feel?_________________________________________________
Now what I want you to do is practice on eliciting each and every one of the 7 emotions on command. This doesn’t have to be on the same day, since by now you should be drained. Also, you do not have to do all of the above at one time or in one particular day. This is draining and its hard work, so you should take your time and really focus on giving it your full attention and dedication. The key is to learn to master your emotions and how to redirect them as needed. Learn that emotions are energy and are one and the same.
Learn to go from one emotion to another as if you were an actor playing roles and transitioning from one emotion to another. This again will take time and much practice. The reason I want you to be able to interconnect with each of the above 7, is because after awhile every one of the them will appear to be the same. You will learn that each of them stem from the same place, an energy pool, a force that lies within you. Once you have mastered this you will be able to connect and plug in with others and generate a harmonious feeling. Guilt is the only emotion that will not interchange with the others. The reason is because guilt has no purpose but to make you feel bad, imprison you to old beliefs, and it can be very destructive, unlike the other emotions. Although you may feel that hate, anger, fear, and jealousy are all destructive in nature, they can be redirected for the good of man kind. For instance, if you hate someone or something, this emotion is so powerful that it can elicit change, and can create an action that will stop a motion from taking place. For example, let's follow this role play: I hate to do laundry, therefore, my hatred towards doing the laundry can elicit a response for me to hire someone to do the laundry for me. Therefore, I have redirected it and created a job opportunity for someone, the good of mankind. I could hate someone to the point of confronting them and therefore creating a dialogue with this person, until we come to an agreement or disagreement of sorts. We then redirect our negative feelings and create an action or reaction that can lead to an understanding or compassion in the end. An example is when you totally dislike someone, in the long run you find that you actually have an attraction towards that person and end up falling in love.
Emotions are funny that way interchangeable in a wink of an eye. If I did not have strong emotions for someone then I wouldn’t care to create an exchange of words that might lead to betterment of the situation. Every emotion can be redirected into a different realm and create a response for the betterment of mankind, all except guilt. Guilt is an emotion that controls and paralyses you, its an emotion used by religion, your parents, your friends and relatives to get what they want out of you. Instead of you doing it from your own accord or your own free will. My goal is to teach you to navigate through all your emotions and learn to eliminate guilt from your emotional selections.
So how does learning to navigate and control your emotions help you find the answer within? Easy, once you learn how to control your emotions and are no longer a slave to the worldly elements and goods, you can look within for true happiness and balance. Now you can help others do the same and create connections with the other receptors, the team players of the world, so we can unite once and for all. By being an electrical conductor you can generate electricity as you tap into the universal force and create connections with others throughout the world. It's all about energies, which is the same as emotions. We are one big electrical system all united by the Celestial being who is the master universe. This is who we call Father, God, Jehovah, our Lord and Savior. But instead of looking at Him with human traits and emotional outbursts, we now look at him as an outlet that we can plug into for our source. No longer being a slave to our emotions and human traits we can enter a realm of spirituality and finally make peace with our maker.
The whole purpose of this is to finally realize who you are and where you stand in the realm of the universe, to make connections with the other receptors, your brothers and sisters of the world and finally bring peace and love to our planet.
I know there will be many Nay Sayers and skeptics of my system. The traditional religious bunch will want to burn me at the stake. But of course they would I am defying what they have been pounding for centuries. Isn’t that what they did with the so called Witches and Warlocks? We fled Europe or our own native country to come to the United States of America to find freedom of speech and religion. Only we found more religion and less freedom. I don’t claim to have all the answers, nor do I claim to be God or the Messiah, I do however feel that this system can bring good things and change. I feel our old ways have not worked and will not work. We can however, look at religion differently, and learn this new path to create change. I hope that we can begin a healing before it's too late, before we actually bring down our own destruction. It's not God, it's not Armageddon, it's you. Each and every one of you will have blood on your hands if we don’t make a change. We need to cultivate a better world for future generations. Break down the racial and gender walls. We need to have love and compassion in our hearts, and learn to accept each and every one of us for who we are. Let's stop trying to change each other, criticize, and make each other feel less than human. We are all connected to one another. There is so much destruction and death because we have lost our connections. The natural events of destruction you see are caused by our own thought process and internal instability. We need to stabilize, align and create inner connections with ourselves and others. Then and only then will we see the light of day and a universe of love and happiness.
Peace, Light and Love to you all
Mark Angelo Cummings
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